max v2; #N vpatcher 191 100 695 451; #P hidden message 438 125 22 196617 set; #P hidden newex 438 97 45 196617 loadbang; #P newex 359 305 115 196617 buffer~ bufoffs+2 2000; #P newex 359 284 115 196617 buffer~ bufoffs+1 2000; #P number 310 151 45 9 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P number 123 151 45 9 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P message 245 234 229 196617; #P newex 245 201 60 196617 prepend set; #P message 245 128 165 196617 vasp bufoffs+1 220 bufoffs+2 100; #P newex 245 172 75 196617 vasp.offs+ 300; #P message 58 234 171 196617; #P newex 58 201 60 196617 prepend set; #P message 58 128 75 196617 vasp bufoffs+1; #P newex 58 172 75 196617 vasp.offs+ 300; #P comment 55 80 135 196617 argument/right inlet: value; #P comment 55 63 189 196617 change the offset to a vasp (relatively); #P comment 55 39 89 196622 vasp.offs+; #P connect 4 0 3 0; #P connect 3 0 5 0; #P hidden fasten 16 0 6 0 443 228 63 228; #P connect 5 0 6 0; #P connect 11 0 3 1; #P connect 8 0 7 0; #P connect 7 0 9 0; #P hidden fasten 16 0 10 0 443 227 250 227; #P connect 9 0 10 0; #P connect 12 0 7 1; #P hidden connect 15 0 16 0; #P pop;