max v2;
#N vpatcher 209 155 868 527;
#P message 62 292 55 196617 vasp bufup;
#P newex 62 313 45 196617 vasp.= 0;
#P comment 127 231 99 196617 update the graphics;
#P newex 62 229 61 196617 vasp.update;
#P comment 127 126 99 196617 generate a sine wave;
#P message 62 125 55 196617 vasp bufup;
#P newex 62 185 80 196617 vasp.osc 22050;
#P comment 57 69 230 196617 updates the graphics of a patcher (e.g. waveform);
#P comment 57 46 96 196622 vasp.update;
#P hidden message 308 104 49 196617 set bufup;
#P hidden newex 308 84 45 196617 loadbang;
#P user waveform~ 308 123 312 99 3 9;
#W mode select;
#W mouseoutput continuous;
#W unit ms;
#W grid 1000.;
#W ticks 8.;
#W labels 1;
#W vlabels 1;
#W vticks 1;
#W vzoom 1.;
#W voffset 0.;
#W bpm 120. 4.;
#W frgb 0 0 0;
#W brgb 255 255 255;
#W rgb2 132 132 132;
#W rgb3 0 0 0;
#W rgb4 0 0 0;
#W rgb5 255 255 255;
#W rgb6 100 100 100;
#W rgb7 100 100 100;
#P newex 525 323 95 196617 buffer~ bufup 2000;
#P comment 125 293 271 196617 use vasp.update at the end of a chain of vasp operations \, although most vasp objects are updating automatically;
#P connect 8 0 7 0;
#P connect 7 0 10 0;
#P connect 13 0 12 0;
#P hidden connect 3 0 4 0;
#P hidden connect 4 0 2 0;
#P pop;