#N canvas 262 173 610 420 10;
#X text 54 148 c \, d ... right operand;
#X text 54 130 a \, b ... left operand;
#X text 54 112 e \, f ... target buffers;
#X text 54 197 differences in lengths are adjusted to smaller vector
of each pair;
#X text 54 82 e+if=(a+ib)*(c+id);
#X text 54 166 vasp.c* needs 2 vectors per operand which are treated
as pairs;
#X text 54 64 complex multiplication;
#X obj 55 29 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty vasp.c* 0 10 1 14 -262144 -1
#X obj 286 81 vasp.c*;
#X text 46 271 related objects:;
#X obj 182 314 vasp.c!-;
#X obj 263 293 vasp.c!/;
#X obj 263 272 vasp.c/;
#X obj 182 293 vasp.c-;
#X obj 50 347 VASP-HELP;
#X obj 182 272 vasp.c+;
#X obj 263 314 vasp.c=;