VASP modular - vector assembling signal processor Object library for Max/MSP and PD Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas Grill ( For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. Donations for further development of the package are highly appreciated. Visit¤cy_code=EUR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD: ========= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package files: - readme.txt: this one - gpl.txt,license.txt,mixfft.txt: license stuff - changes.txt,todo.txt: additional info - pd-help/*: VASP help for PD - pd/*: VASP abstractions and documentation for PD - max-help/*: VASP help for Max/MSP (not present) - maxmsp/*: VASP abstractions for Max/MSP - config-*,build-*,makefile.*,*.cw: Build - source/*: VASP sources ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOALS/FEATURES: =============== VASP is a package for PD or MaxMSP consisting of a number of externals extending these systems with functions for non-realtime array-based audio data processing. VASP is capable of working in the background, therefore not influencing eventual dsp signal processing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- USAGE: ====== IMPORTANT INFORMATION for all PD users: --------------------------------------- For VASP and its documentation to work properly, you have to specify a PD command line like Linux/OSX: pd -path /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/vasp/pd -lib vasp/vasp Windows: pd -path c:\audio\pd\extra\vasp\pd -lib vasp\vasp The main help file "VASP-HELP.pd" resides in the "pd" sub-folder along with some handy abstractions. Every help file is accessible from VASP-HELP.PD and vice versa. IMPORTANT INFORMATION for all MaxMSP users: ------------------------------------------- It is advisable to put the vasp object library file into the "max-startup" folder. Hence it will be loaded at Max startup. If you want alternatively to load the vasp library on demand, create a "vasp" object somewhere. The library is then loaded. If existent, the "max-help" folder should be put into the "max-help" folder of Max/MSP and be renamed to "vasp". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPILATION: ============ You will need the flext C++ layer for PD and Max/MSP externals. see The package should at least compile (and is tested) with the following compilers: - PD @ Windows: o Microsoft Visual C++ 6: use vasp.dsp or edit "config-pd-msvc.txt" and run "sh" - PD @ linux: o GCC: edit "config-pd-linux.txt" and run "sh" - PD @ MacOSX: o GCC: edit "config-pd-darwin.txt" and run "sh" - Max/MSP @ MacOS9: o Metrowerks CodeWarrior V6: edit project and build it ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HINTS: ====== - Click-free operation: All objects where it makes sense (e.g. transformation of data, vasp.!, etc.) can be set to "detached mode" by sending a "detach 1" message (which is setting the detach attribute to 1). The operation will then take place in a detached thread with lower priority. Thus, longer operations will not disturb the dsp processing of the real-time engine.