/* VASP modular - vector assembling signal processor / objects for Max/MSP and PD Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #ifndef __VASP_OPFUNS_H #define __VASP_OPFUNS_H #include "opdefs.h" #include <math.h> #include "util.h" namespace VecOp { // assignment template<class T> class f_copy { public: static I run_opt() { return 3; } static V run(T &v,T a) { v = a; } static I cun_opt() { return 2; } static V cun(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia) { rv = ra,iv = ia; } }; template<class T> class f_set { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 3; } static V rbin(T &v,T,T b) { v = b; } static I cbin_opt() { return 2; } static V cbin(T &rv,T &iv,T,T,T rb,T ib) { rv = rb,iv = ib; } }; // arithmetic template<class T> class f_add { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 3; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = a+b; } static I cbin_opt() { return 2; } static V cbin(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia,T rb,T ib) { rv = ra+rb,iv = ia+ib; } }; template<class T> class f_sub { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 3; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = a-b; } static I cbin_opt() { return 2; } static V cbin(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia,T rb,T ib) { rv = ra-rb,iv = ia-ib; } }; template<class T> class f_subr { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 2; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = b-a; } static I cbin_opt() { return 2; } static V cbin(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia,T rb,T ib) { rv = rb-ra,iv = ib-ia; } }; template<class T> class f_mul { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 3; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = a*b; } static I cbin_opt() { return 1; } static V cbin(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia,T rb,T ib) { rv = ra*rb-ia*ib, iv = ra*ib+rb*ia; } }; template<class T> class f_div { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 2; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = a/b; } static I cbin_opt() { return 0; } static V cbin(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia,T rb,T ib) { register const T den = sqabs(rb,ib); rv = (ra*rb+ia*ib)/den; iv = (ia*rb-ra*ib)/den; } }; template<class T> class f_divr { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 2; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = b/a; } static I cbin_opt() { return 0; } static V cbin(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia,T rb,T ib) { register const T den = sqabs(ra,ia); rv = (rb*ra+ib*ia)/den; iv = (ib*ra-rb*ia)/den; } }; template<class T> class f_mod { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 0; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = fmod(a,b); } }; template<class T> class f_abs { public: static I run_opt() { return 0; } static V run(T &v,T a) { v = fabs(a); } static I cun_opt() { return 0; } static V cun(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia) { rv = sqrt(ra*ra+ia*ia),iv = 0; } }; template<class T> class f_sign { public: static I run_opt() { return 0; } static V run(T &v,T a) { v = (a == 0?0:(a < 0?-1.:1.)); } }; template<class T> class f_sqr { public: static I run_opt() { return 3; } static V run(T &v,T a) { v = a*a; } static I cun_opt() { return 1; } static V cun(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia) { rv = ra*ra-ia*ia; iv = ra*ia*2; } }; template<class T> class f_ssqr { public: static I run_opt() { return 0; } static V run(T &v,T a) { v = a*fabs(a); } }; template<class T> class f_sumq { public: static I rop_opt() { return 2; } static V rop(T &,T ra,OpParam &p) { p.norm.minmax += ra; } }; // transcendent template<class T> class f_powi { public: static I cop_opt() { return 0; } static V cop(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia,OpParam &p) { register const I powi = p.ibin.arg; register T rt,it; VecOp::f_sqr<T>::cun(rt,it,ra,ia); for(I i = 2; i < powi; ++i) VecOp::f_mul<T>::cbin(rt,it,rt,it,ra,ia); rv = rt,iv = it; } }; template<class T> class f_pow { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 0; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = pow(fabs(a),b)*sgn(a); } static I cbin_opt() { return 0; } static V cbin(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia,T rb,T) { register const T _abs = sqrt(sqabs(ra,ia)); if(_abs) { register const T _p = pow(_abs,rb)/_abs; rv = _p*ra,iv = _p*ia; } else rv = iv = 0; } protected: static T sgn(T x) { return x?(x > 0?1:-1):0; } }; template<class T> class f_sqrt { public: static I run_opt() { return 0; } static V run(T &v,T a) { v = sqrt(fabs(a)); } }; template<class T> class f_ssqrt { public: static I run_opt() { return 0; } static V run(T &v,T a) { v = sqrt(fabs(a))*sgn(a); } }; template<class T> class f_exp { public: static I run_opt() { return 0; } static V run(T &v,T a) { v = exp(a); } }; template<class T> class f_log { public: static I run_opt() { return 0; } static V run(T &v,T a) { v = log(a); } // \todo detect NANs }; // comparisons template<class T> class f_lwr { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 1; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = a < b?1:0; } }; template<class T> class f_gtr { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 1; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = a > b?1:0; } }; template<class T> class f_alwr { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 0; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = fabs(a) < fabs(b)?1:0; } }; template<class T> class f_agtr { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 0; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = fabs(a) > fabs(b)?1:0; } }; template<class T> class f_leq { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 1; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = a <= b?1:0; } }; template<class T> class f_geq { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 1; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = a >= b?1:0; } }; template<class T> class f_aleq { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 0; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = fabs(a) <= fabs(b)?1:0; } }; template<class T> class f_ageq { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 0; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = fabs(a) >= fabs(b)?1:0; } }; template<class T> class f_equ { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 1; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = a == b?1:0; } }; template<class T> class f_neq { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 1; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = a != b?1:0; } }; // min/max template<class T> class f_min { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 1; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = a < b?a:b; } static I cbin_opt() { return 0; } static V cbin(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia,T rb,T ib) { if(sqabs(ra,ia) < sqabs(rb,ib)) rv = ra,iv = ia; else rv = rb,iv = ib; } }; template<class T> class f_max { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 1; } static V rbin(T &v,T a,T b) { v = a > b?a:b; } static I cbin_opt() { return 0; } static V cbin(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia,T rb,T ib) { if(sqabs(ra,ia) > sqabs(rb,ib)) rv = ra,iv = ia; else rv = rb,iv = ib; } }; template<class T> class f_minmax { public: static I cun_opt() { return 0; } static V cun(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia) { if(ra < ia) rv = ra,iv = ia; else rv = ia,iv = ra; } }; template<class T> class f_minq { public: static I rop_opt() { return 0; } static V rop(T &,T ra,OpParam &p) { if(ra < p.norm.minmax) p.norm.minmax = ra; } static I cop_opt() { return 0; } static V cop(T &,T &,T ra,T ia,OpParam &p) { register T s = sqabs(ra,ia); if(s < p.norm.minmax) p.norm.minmax = s; } }; template<class T> class f_maxq { public: static I rop_opt() { return 0; } static V rop(T &,T ra,OpParam &p) { if(ra > p.norm.minmax) p.norm.minmax = ra; } static I cop_opt() { return 0; } static V cop(T &,T &,T ra,T ia,OpParam &p) { register T s = sqabs(ra,ia); if(s > p.norm.minmax) p.norm.minmax = s; } }; template<class T> class f_aminq { public: static I rop_opt() { return 0; } static V rop(T &,T ra,OpParam &p) { register T s = fabs(ra); if(s < p.norm.minmax) p.norm.minmax = s; } }; template<class T> class f_amaxq { public: static I rop_opt() { return 0; } static V rop(T &,T ra,OpParam &p) { register T s = fabs(ra); if(s > p.norm.minmax) p.norm.minmax = s; } }; // gating template<class T> class f_gate { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 0; } static V rbin(T &rv,T ra,T rb) { rv = fabs(ra) >= rb?ra:0; } static I cbin_opt() { return 0; } static V cbin(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia,T rb,T) { register const T _abs = sqabs(ra,ia); if(_abs >= rb*rb) rv = ra,iv = ia; else rv = iv = 0; } }; template<class T> class f_igate { public: static I rbin_opt() { return 0; } static V rbin(T &rv,T ra,T rb) { rv = fabs(ra) <= rb?ra:0; } static I cbin_opt() { return 0; } static V cbin(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia,T rb,T) { register const T _abs = sqabs(ra,ia); if(_abs <= rb*rb) rv = ra,iv = ia; else rv = iv = 0; } }; // complex template<class T> class f_norm { public: static I cun_opt() { return 0; } static V cun(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia) { register T f = sqabs(ra,ia); if(f) { f = 1./sqrt(f); rv = ra*f,iv = ia*f; } else rv = iv = 0; } }; template<class T> class f_conj { public: static I cun_opt() { return 2; } static V cun(T &,T &iv,T,T ia) { iv = -ia; } }; template<class T> class f_polar { public: static I cun_opt() { return 0; } static V cun(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia) { rv = sqrt(sqabs(ra,ia)),iv = arg(ra,ia); } }; template<class T> class f_rect { public: static I cun_opt() { return 0; } static V cun(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia) { rv = ra*cos(ia),iv = ra*sin(ia); } }; template<class T> class f_radd { public: static I cbin_opt() { return 0; } static V cbin(T &rv,T &iv,T ra,T ia,T rb,T) { register const T _abs = sqrt(sqabs(ra,ia))+rb; register const T _phi = arg(ra,ia); rv = _abs*cos(_phi),iv = _abs*sin(_phi); } }; // extra template<class T> class f_fix { public: /*! \brief Bashes denormals and NANs to zero \param a argument list \param v destination vasp (NULL for in-place operation) \return normalized destination vasp */ static I run_opt() { return 0; } static V run(T &v,T a) { if(a != a) // NAN v = 0; else { // denormal bashing (doesn't propagate to the next stage) static const T anti_denormal = (T)1.e-18; a += anti_denormal; a -= anti_denormal; v = a; } } }; } #define DEFOP(T,FUN,OP,KIND) \ namespace VecOp { inline BL FUN(OpParam &p) { return D__##KIND(T,f_##OP < T > ,p); } } #define DEFVEC_R(T,OP) \ static BL r_##OP (I len,T *dr,I rds,const T *sr,I rss) { return VecOp::V__rbin<T,VecOp::f_##OP <T> >(sr,rss,dr,rds,len); } \ static BL v_##OP##_(I layers,const T *sr,T *dr,const T *ar,I len) { return VecOp::V__vbin<T,VecOp::f_##OP <T> >(layers,sr,dr,ar,len); } \ static BL v_##OP (I dim,const I *dims,I layers,T *dr,const T *sr,const T *ar) { return VecOp::V__vmulti<T>(v_##OP##_,layers,sr,dr,ar,dim,dims); } #define DEFVEC_C(T,OP) \ static BL c_##OP (I len,T *dr,T *di,I rds,I ids,const T *sr,I rss,I iss) { return VecOp::V__cbin<T,VecOp::f_##OP <T> >(sr,rss,iss,dr,rds,ids,len); } #define DEFVEC_B(T,OP) DEFVEC_R(T,OP) DEFVEC_C(T,OP) template<class T> class VecFun { public: DEFVEC_B(T,copy) DEFVEC_B(T,add) DEFVEC_B(T,sub) DEFVEC_B(T,subr) DEFVEC_B(T,mul) DEFVEC_B(T,div) DEFVEC_B(T,divr) DEFVEC_R(T,mod) DEFVEC_B(T,abs) DEFVEC_R(T,sign) DEFVEC_B(T,sqr) DEFVEC_R(T,ssqr) DEFVEC_C(T,powi) DEFVEC_B(T,pow) DEFVEC_R(T,sqrt) DEFVEC_R(T,ssqrt) DEFVEC_R(T,exp) DEFVEC_R(T,log) DEFVEC_R(T,lwr) DEFVEC_R(T,gtr) DEFVEC_R(T,alwr) DEFVEC_R(T,agtr) DEFVEC_R(T,leq) DEFVEC_R(T,geq) DEFVEC_R(T,aleq) DEFVEC_R(T,ageq) DEFVEC_R(T,equ) DEFVEC_R(T,neq) DEFVEC_B(T,min) DEFVEC_B(T,max) DEFVEC_C(T,minmax) DEFVEC_C(T,gate) DEFVEC_C(T,igate) DEFVEC_C(T,norm) DEFVEC_C(T,conj) DEFVEC_C(T,polar) DEFVEC_C(T,rect) DEFVEC_C(T,radd) DEFVEC_R(T,fix) }; #endif