/* VASP modular - vector assembling signal processor / objects for Max/MSP and PD Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #include "main.h" #include "ops_feature.h" #include "oploop.h" #include "util.h" #include <math.h> // --- find peaks BL higher(S a,S b) { return a > b; } BL lower(S a,S b) { return a < b; } /*! \brief Find peaks or valleys (depending on cmp function) \param rep repetition count \remark real peak search is mangled into complex domain \todo how to treat <=, >= \todo separate real and complex functionality */ static BL d_vlpk(OpParam &p,BL cmpf(S a,S b)) { I dpeaks = (I)(p.frames*p.peaks.density); if(dpeaks < 1) dpeaks = 1; I cnt; do { cnt = 0; I i; S *rdst = p.rddt,*rsrc = p.rsdt; S *idst = p.iddt,*isrc = p.isdt; if(!p.peaks.cx || !idst) idst = rdst,p.ids = p.rds; if(!p.peaks.cx || !isrc) isrc = rsrc,p.iss = p.rss; // preset sample values S d1 = -1,d0 = -1,dn = -1; // search first non-null sample _D_LOOP(i,p.frames) if((dn = sqabs(rsrc[i*p.rss],isrc[i*p.iss])) != 0) break; // non-null -> break! else rdst[i*p.rds] = idst[i*p.ids] = 0; // copy null samples to dst _E_LOOP // i points to first non-null sample _D_WHILE(i < p.frames) // current samples -> previous samples d1 = d0,d0 = dn; // save current index I ci = i; // search next non-null sample dn = -1; while(++i < p.frames) if((dn = sqabs(rsrc[i*p.rss],isrc[i*p.iss])) != 0) { break; // non-null -> break! } else rdst[i*p.rds] = idst[i*p.ids] = 0; if((d1 < 0 || cmpf(d0,d1)) && (dn < 0 || cmpf(d0,dn))) { // is peak/valley rdst[ci*p.rds] = rsrc[ci*p.rss]; idst[ci*p.ids] = isrc[ci*p.iss]; ++cnt; } else rdst[ci*p.rds] = idst[ci*p.ids] = 0; _E_WHILE } while(cnt > dpeaks); p.peaks.density = p.frames?(R)cnt/p.frames:(cnt?1:0); return true; } inline BL d_peaks(OpParam &p) { return d_vlpk(p,higher); } inline BL d_valleys(OpParam &p) { return d_vlpk(p,lower); } inline BL d_rpeaks(OpParam &p) { return d_vlpk(p,higher); } inline BL d_rvalleys(OpParam &p) { return d_vlpk(p,lower); } /*! \brief Finds peaks or valleys in a vasp. \param arg argument list \param arg.rep repetition count \param dst destination vasp (NULL for in-place operation) \param inv true for valley operation \return normalized destination vasp */ Vasp *VaspOp::m_peaks(OpParam &p,CVasp &src,CVasp *dst,BL inv) { Vasp *ret = NULL; RVecBlock *vecs = GetRVecs(p.opname,src,dst); if(vecs) { p.peaks.cx = false; ret = DoOp(vecs,inv?d_valleys:d_peaks,p); delete vecs; } return ret; } /*! \brief Finds peaks or valleys by radius in a complex vasp. \param arg argument list \param arg.rep repetition count \param dst destination vasp (NULL for in-place operation) \param inv true for valley operation \return normalized destination vasp */ Vasp *VaspOp::m_rpeaks(OpParam &p,CVasp &src,CVasp *dst,BL inv) { Vasp *ret = NULL; CVecBlock *vecs = GetCVecs(p.opname,src,dst); if(vecs) { p.peaks.cx = true; ret = DoOp(vecs,inv?d_rvalleys:d_rpeaks,p); delete vecs; } return ret; } class vasp_peaks: public vasp_anyop { FLEXT_HEADER(vasp_peaks,vasp_anyop) public: vasp_peaks(I argc,const t_atom *argv): vasp_anyop(argc,argv,VASP_ARG(),true,XletCode(xlet_float,0)) {} virtual Vasp *do_peaks(OpParam &p) { CVasp cdst(dst),cref(ref); return VaspOp::m_peaks(p,cref,&cdst); } virtual Vasp *tx_work(const Argument &arg) { OpParam p(thisName(),0); if(arg.IsList() && arg.GetList().Count() >= 1 && CanbeFloat(arg.GetList()[0])) { p.peaks.density = GetAFloat(arg.GetList()[0]); } else { if(!arg.IsNone()) post("%s - invalid density argument -> set to 1",p.opname); p.peaks.density = 1; } Vasp *ret = do_peaks(p); ToOutFloat(1,p.peaks.density); return ret; } virtual V m_help() { post("%s - Get non-zero values only for peaks",thisName()); } }; FLEXT_LIB_V("vasp, vasp.peaks",vasp_peaks) class vasp_valleys: public vasp_peaks { FLEXT_HEADER(vasp_valleys,vasp_peaks) public: vasp_valleys(I argc,const t_atom *argv): vasp_peaks(argc,argv) {} virtual Vasp *do_peaks(OpParam &p) { CVasp cdst(dst),cref(ref); return VaspOp::m_valleys(p,cref,&cdst); } virtual V m_help() { post("%s - Get non-zero values only for values",thisName()); } }; FLEXT_LIB_V("vasp, vasp.valleys",vasp_valleys) class vasp_rpeaks: public vasp_peaks { FLEXT_HEADER(vasp_rpeaks,vasp_peaks) public: vasp_rpeaks(I argc,const t_atom *argv): vasp_peaks(argc,argv) {} virtual Vasp *do_peaks(OpParam &p) { CVasp cdst(dst),cref(ref); return VaspOp::m_rpeaks(p,cref,&cdst); } virtual V m_help() { post("%s - Get non-zero values only for peaks of the complex radius",thisName()); } }; FLEXT_LIB_V("vasp, vasp.rpeaks",vasp_rpeaks) class vasp_rvalleys: public vasp_peaks { FLEXT_HEADER(vasp_rvalleys,vasp_peaks) public: vasp_rvalleys(I argc,const t_atom *argv): vasp_peaks(argc,argv) {} virtual Vasp *do_peaks(OpParam &p) { CVasp cdst(dst),cref(ref); return VaspOp::m_rvalleys(p,cref,&cdst); } virtual V m_help() { post("%s - Get non-zero values only for valleys of the complex radius",thisName()); } }; FLEXT_LIB_V("vasp, vasp.rvalleys",vasp_rvalleys)