vst~ - VST plugin object for PD 
based on the work of Jarno Sepp�nen and Mark Williamson

Copyright (c)2003-2004 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net)
For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.  

#ifndef __VSTHOST_H
#define __VSTHOST_H

#include <flext.h>
#include "AEffectx.h"
#include "AEffEditor.hpp"
#include <string>

#include <windows.h>
typedef HWND WHandle;
typedef HMODULE MHandle;
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
typedef Handle WHandle;
typedef void *MHandle;
#error Platform not supported!

#define MAX_EVENTS		64
#define MAX_INOUTS		8


#define MIDI_NOTEON 144
#define MIDI_NOTEOFF 128
#define MIDI_PITCHBEND 224

class VSTPlugin:
    public flext


	int Instance(const char *dllname);
//	void Create(VSTPlugin *plug);
	void Free();
	void DspInit(float samplerate,int blocksize);

    bool Is() const { return _pEffect != NULL; }

    long GetVersion() const { return _pEffect?_pEffect->version:0; }

    bool IsSynth() const { return HasFlags(effFlagsIsSynth); }
    bool IsReplacing() const { return HasFlags(effFlagsCanReplacing); }
    bool HasEditor() const { return HasFlags(effFlagsHasEditor); }

	const char *GetName() const { return _sProductName; }
	const char *GetVendorName() const { return _sVendorName; }
	const char *GetDllName() const { return _sDllName.c_str(); }

    int GetNumInputs() const { return _pEffect?_pEffect->numInputs:0; }
    int GetNumOutputs() const { return _pEffect?_pEffect->numOutputs:0; }

    int GetNumParams() const { return _pEffect?_pEffect->numParams:0; }
	void GetParamName(int numparam,char *name) const;
	void GetParamValue(int numparam,char *parval) const;
	float GetParamValue(int numparam) const;

    // scan plugin names (can take a _long_ time!!)
    void ScanParams(int i = -1);
    // get number of scanned parameters
    int ScannedParams() const { return paramnamecnt; }
    // get index of named (scanned) parameter... -1 if not found
    int GetParamIx(const char *p) const;

    bool SetParamFloat(int parameter, float value);
    bool SetParamInt(int parameter, int value) { return SetParamFloat(parameter,value/65535.0f); }

    void SetCurrentProgram(int prg) { Dispatch(effSetProgram,0,prg); }
    int GetCurrentProgram() const { return Dispatch(effGetProgram); }
	int GetNumPrograms() const { return _pEffect->numPrograms; }

    int GetNumCategories() const { return Dispatch(effGetNumProgramCategories); }
	bool GetProgramName( int cat, int p , char* buf) const;

	bool AddMIDI(unsigned char data0,unsigned char data1=0,unsigned char data2=0);

	bool AddNoteOn( unsigned char note,unsigned char speed,unsigned char midichannel=0);
	bool AddNoteOff( unsigned char note,unsigned char midichannel=0);
	void AddControlChange( int control , int value );
	void AddProgramChange( int value );
	void AddPitchBend( int value );
	void AddAftertouch( int value );

	void Edit(bool open);

	void StartEditing(WHandle h );
    void StopEditing();
    bool IsEdited() const { return hwnd != NULL; }
    WHandle EditorHandle() const { return hwnd; }

    void GetEditorRect(ERect &er) const { ERect *r; Dispatch(effEditGetRect,0,0,&r); er = *r; }
    void EditorIdle() { Dispatch(effEditIdle); }

    void Visible(bool vis);
    bool IsVisible() const;

    void Paint(ERect &r) const { Dispatch(effEditDraw,0,0,&r); }

	void processReplacing( float **inputs, float **outputs, long sampleframes );
	void process( float **inputs, float **outputs, long sampleframes );

	long Dispatch(long opCode, long index = 0, long value = 0, void *ptr = NULL, float opt = 0) const
        return Is()?_pEffect->dispatcher(_pEffect, opCode, index, value, ptr, opt):0;

	static long VSTCALLBACK Master(AEffect *effect, long opcode, long index, long value, void *ptr, float opt);

    void SetPos(int x,int y,bool upd = true);
    void SetX(int x,bool upd = true) { SetPos(x,posy,upd); }
    void SetY(int y,bool upd = true) { SetPos(posx,y,upd); }
    int GetX() const { return posx; }
    int GetY() const { return posy; }
    void SetCaption(bool b);
    bool GetCaption() const { return caption; }
    void SetTitle(const char *t);
    const char *GetTitle() const { return title.c_str(); }


	MHandle h_dll;
    WHandle hwnd;

	AEffect *_pEffect;

    static void FreeVST(MHandle handle);

    inline long GetFlags() const { return _pEffect?_pEffect->flags:0; } 
    inline bool HasFlags(long msk) const { return _pEffect && (_pEffect->flags&msk); } 

	char _sProductName[300];
	char _sVendorName[300];
    std::string _sDllName;	// Contains dll name

    struct NameCmp:
        bool operator()(const std::string &a,const std::string &b) const { return a.compare(b) < 0; }

    typedef std::map<std::string,int,NameCmp> NameMap;
    int paramnamecnt;
    NameMap paramnames;

	float *inputs[MAX_INOUTS];
	float *outputs[MAX_INOUTS];

//	static VstTimeInfo _timeInfo;
	VstMidiEvent midievent[MAX_EVENTS];
	VstEvents events;
	int	queue_size;

//    float sample_rate;

	void SendMidi();
	char _midichannel;

    int posx,posy; // Window position
    bool caption; // Window border
    std::string title; // Window title
