/* vst~ - VST plugin object for PD based on the work of Jarno Sepp�nen and Mark Williamson Copyright (c)2003-2005 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #include "vsthost.h" static const int VST_VERSION = 100; static const char *vendor = "grrrr.org"; static const char *product = "vst~"; void VSTPlugin::ProcessEvent(const VstEvent &ev) { if(!responder && dumpevents) return; if(ev.type == kVstMidiType) { const VstMidiEvent &mev = (const VstMidiEvent &)ev; t_atom lst[10]; SetSymbol(lst[0],sym_evmidi); int midi = ((unsigned char)mev.midiData[0]>>4)-8; FLEXT_ASSERT(midi >= 0 && midi < 8); SetSymbol(lst[1],sym_midi[midi]); SetInt(lst[2],(unsigned char)mev.midiData[0]&0x0f); SetInt(lst[3],(unsigned char)mev.midiData[1]); SetInt(lst[4],(unsigned char)mev.midiData[2]); // what about running status? (obviously not possible) SetInt(lst[5],mev.deltaFrames); SetInt(lst[6],mev.noteLength); SetInt(lst[7],mev.noteOffset); SetInt(lst[8],(int)mev.detune); SetInt(lst[9],(int)mev.noteOffVelocity); responder->Respond(sym_event,9,lst); } else { const t_symbol *sym; if(ev.type == kVstAudioType) sym = sym_evaudio; else if(ev.type == kVstVideoType) sym = sym_evvideo; else if(ev.type == kVstParameterType) sym = sym_evparam; else if(ev.type == kVstTriggerType) sym = sym_evtrigger; else if(ev.type == kVstSysExType) sym = sym_evsysex; else sym = sym_ev_; int data = ev.byteSize-sizeof(ev.deltaFrames)-sizeof(ev.flags); const int stsize = 16; t_atom stlst[stsize]; t_atom *lst = data+3 > stsize?new t_atom[data+3]:stlst; SetSymbol(lst[0],sym); SetInt(lst[1],ev.deltaFrames); SetInt(lst[2],ev.flags); for(int i = 0; i < data; ++i) SetInt(lst[3],(unsigned char)ev.data[i]); responder->Respond(sym_event,data+3,lst); if(lst != stlst) delete[] lst; } } // Host callback dispatcher long VSTPlugin::Master(AEffect *effect, long opcode, long index, long value, void *ptr, float opt) { if(opcode != audioMasterGetTime) FLEXT_LOG6("VST -> host: Eff = 0x%.8X, Opcode = %d, Index = %d, Value = %d, PTR = %.8X, OPT = %.3f\n",(int)effect, opcode,index,value,(int)ptr,opt); VSTPlugin *th = effect?(VSTPlugin *)effect->user:NULL; switch (opcode) { case audioMasterAutomate: // 0 if(th && th->feedback && th->responder) { t_atom lst[2]; SetInt(lst[0],index); SetFloat(lst[1],opt); th->responder->Respond(sym_param,2,lst); } return 0; case audioMasterVersion: // 1 // support VST 2.3 return 2300; case audioMasterCurrentId: // 2 // set to subplugin id (default 0) return uniqueid; case audioMasterIdle: // 3 effect->dispatcher(effect, effEditIdle, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0f); return 0; case audioMasterPinConnected: // 4 //! \todo set connection state correctly (if possible..) // index=pin, value=0..input, else..output FLEXT_LOG2("Pin connected pin=%li conn=%li",index,value); return 0; // 0 means connected case audioMasterWantMidi: // 6 FLEXT_LOG1("Want MIDI = %li",value); return 0; // VST header says: "currently ignored" case audioMasterGetTime: { // 7 if(!th) return 0; static VstTimeInfo time; memset(&time,0,sizeof(time)); // flags time.flags = kVstTempoValid|kVstBarsValid|kVstCyclePosValid|kVstPpqPosValid|kVstSmpteValid|kVstTimeSigValid; if(th->transchg) { time.flags |= kVstTransportChanged; th->transchg = false; } if(th->playing) time.flags |= kVstTransportPlaying; if(th->looping) time.flags |= kVstTransportCycleActive; // if(th->feedback) time.flags |= kVstAutomationWriting; time.sampleRate = th->samplerate; time.samplePos = th->samplepos; time.ppqPos = th->ppqpos; time.tempo = th->tempo; time.barStartPos = th->barstartpos; time.cycleStartPos = th->cyclestartpos; time.cycleEndPos = th->cycleendpos; time.timeSigNumerator = th->timesignom; time.timeSigDenominator = th->timesigden; // SMPTE data time.smpteOffset = th->smpteoffset; time.smpteFrameRate = th->smpterate; // time.samplesToNextClock = 0; if(value&kVstNanosValid) { time.nanoSeconds = flext::GetOSTime()*1.e9; time.flags |= kVstNanosValid; } return (long)&time; } case audioMasterProcessEvents: { // 8 // VST event data from plugin VstEvents *evs = static_cast<VstEvents *>(ptr); if(th) { for(int i = 0; i < evs->numEvents; ++i) th->ProcessEvent(*evs->events[i]); return 1; } else return 0; } case audioMasterSetTime: { // 9 VstTimeInfo *tminfo = static_cast<VstTimeInfo *>(ptr); FLEXT_LOG3("TimeInfo pos=%lf rate=%lf filter=%li",tminfo->samplePos,tminfo->sampleRate,value); return 0; // not supported } case audioMasterTempoAt: // 10 return 0; // not supported case audioMasterGetNumAutomatableParameters: // 11 return 0; // not supported case audioMasterSizeWindow: // 15 return 0; case audioMasterGetSampleRate: // 16 return 0; // not supported case audioMasterGetBlockSize: // 17 return 0; // not supported case audioMasterGetCurrentProcessLevel: // 23 // return thread state return flext::GetThreadId() == flext::GetSysThreadId()?2:1; case audioMasterGetAutomationState: // 24 // return th?(th->feedback?2:1):0; return 0; case audioMasterGetVendorString: // 32 strcpy((char*)ptr,vendor); return 0; case audioMasterGetProductString: // 33 strcpy((char *)ptr,product); return 0; case audioMasterGetVendorVersion: // 34 return VST_VERSION; case audioMasterCanDo: // 37 FLEXT_LOG1("\taudioMasterCanDo PTR = %s",ptr); if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"sendVstEvents")) return 1; else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"sendVstMidiEvent")) return 1; else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"sendVstTimeInfo")) return 1; // NOT YET else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"receiveVstEvents")) return 1; else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"receiveVstMidiEvent")) return 1; else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"receiveVstTimeInfo")) return 1; // NOT YET else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"reportConnectionChanges")) return 0; // \TODO PD has hard times supporting that... else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"acceptIOChanges")) return 0; // \TODO what does this means exactly? else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"supplyIdle")) return 1; else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"sizeWindow")) return 1; else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"supportShell")) return 0; // deprecated - new one is shellCategory else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"offline")) return 0; // not supported else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"asyncProcessing")) return 0; // not supported else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"shellCategory")) return 1; // supported! else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"editFile")) return 0; // not supported else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"openFileSelector")) return 0; // not supported else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"closeFileSelector")) return 0; // not supported else if(!strcmp((char *)ptr,"startStopProcess")) return 0; // not supported #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG else post("Unknown audioMasterCanDo PTR = %s",ptr); #endif return 0; // not supported case audioMasterGetLanguage: // 38 return kVstLangEnglish; case audioMasterGetDirectory: // 41 return (long)(th?th->dllname.c_str():dllloading.c_str()); case audioMasterUpdateDisplay: // 42 FLEXT_LOG("UPDATE DISPLAY"); return 0; default: FLEXT_LOG1("Unknown opcode %li",opcode); return 0; } } void VSTPlugin::updatepos(long frames) { bool inloop = ppqpos < cycleendpos; // \todo should the sample position also jump back when cycling? // and if, how? samplepos += frames; // \todo this factor should be cached ppqpos += frames*tempo/(samplerate*60); if(looping) { double cyclelen = cycleendpos-cyclestartpos; if(cyclelen > 0) { if(inloop && ppqpos >= cycleendpos) ppqpos = cyclestartpos+fmod(ppqpos-cyclestartpos,cyclelen); } else ppqpos = cyclestartpos; } }