/* xsample - extended sample objects for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #endif #include "main.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning (disable:4244) #endif #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.141592653589793238462643383 #endif #define XZONE_TABLE 512 class xgroove: public xinter { FLEXT_HEADER_S(xgroove,xinter,setup) public: xgroove(int argc,const t_atom *argv); virtual ~xgroove(); void m_pos(float pos) { setpos(LIKELY(s2u)?pos/s2u:0); Update(xsc_pos,true); } inline void m_posmod(float pos) { setposmod(LIKELY(pos)?pos/s2u:0); } // motivated by Tim Blechmann inline void mg_pos(float &v) const { v = curpos*s2u; } enum xs_fade { xsf_keeplooppos = 0,xsf_keeplooplen,xsf_keepfade,xsf_inside }; enum xs_shape { xss_lin = 0,xss_qsine,xss_hsine }; void ms_xfade(int xf) { if(xf < 0 || xf > xsf_inside) xf = xsf_keeplooppos; xfade = (xs_fade)xf; Update(xsc_fade,true); } void ms_xshape(int sh); void ms_xzone(float xz); void mg_xzone(float &xz) { xz = _xzone*s2u; } void m_loop(xs_loop lp) { loopmode = lp,bidir = 1; Update(xsc_loop,true); } protected: double curpos; // in samples float bidir; // +1 or -1 float _xzone,xzone; long znsmin,znsmax; xs_fade xfade; int xshape; t_sample **znbuf; t_sample *znpos,*znmul,*znidx; int pblksz; inline void setpos(double pos) { if(UNLIKELY(pos < znsmin)) curpos = znsmin; else if(UNLIKELY(pos > znsmax)) curpos = znsmax; else curpos = pos; } inline void setposmod(double pos) { if(pos >= 0) curpos = znsmin+fmod(pos,znsmax-znsmin); else curpos = znsmax+fmod(pos,znsmax-znsmin); } virtual void DoReset(); virtual void DoUpdate(unsigned int flags); virtual void CbSignal(); virtual void m_help(); virtual void m_print(); private: static void setup(t_classid c); //! return true if something has changed bool do_xzone(); DEFSIGFUN(s_pos_off); DEFSIGFUN(s_pos_once); DEFSIGFUN(s_pos_loop); DEFSIGFUN(s_pos_loopzn); DEFSIGFUN(s_pos_bidir); DEFSIGCALL(posfun); DEFSTCALL(zonefun); static t_sample fade_lin[],fade_qsine[],fade_hsine[]; FLEXT_CALLBACK_F(m_pos) FLEXT_CALLBACK_F(m_posmod) FLEXT_CALLBACK_F(m_min) FLEXT_CALLBACK_F(m_max) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_all) FLEXT_CALLSET_E(m_loop,xs_loop) FLEXT_CALLSET_I(ms_xfade) FLEXT_ATTRGET_I(xfade) FLEXT_CALLSET_I(ms_xshape) FLEXT_ATTRGET_I(xshape) FLEXT_CALLSET_F(ms_xzone) FLEXT_CALLGET_F(mg_xzone) FLEXT_CALLVAR_F(mg_pos,m_pos) FLEXT_CALLSET_F(m_min) FLEXT_CALLSET_F(m_max) }; FLEXT_LIB_DSP_V("xgroove~",xgroove) t_sample xgroove::fade_lin[XZONE_TABLE+1]; t_sample xgroove::fade_qsine[XZONE_TABLE+1]; t_sample xgroove::fade_hsine[XZONE_TABLE+1]; void xgroove::setup(t_classid c) { DefineHelp(c,"xgroove~"); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"all",m_all); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD(c,1,m_min); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD(c,2,m_max); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"min",mg_min,m_min); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"max",mg_max,m_max); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"pos",mg_pos,m_pos); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"posmod",m_posmod); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR_E(c,"loop",loopmode,m_loop); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"xfade",xfade,ms_xfade); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"xzone",mg_xzone,ms_xzone); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"xshape",xshape,ms_xshape); // initialize fade tables for(int i = 0; i <= XZONE_TABLE; ++i) { const float x = i*(1.f/XZONE_TABLE); // linear fade_lin[i] = x; // quarter sine wave fade_qsine[i] = sin(x*(M_PI/2)); // half sine wave fade_hsine[i] = (sin(x*M_PI-M_PI/2)+1.f)*0.5f; } } xgroove::xgroove(int argc,const t_atom *argv): curpos(0),bidir(1), _xzone(0),xzone(0), xfade(xsf_keeplooppos),xshape(xss_lin), znpos(NULL),znmul(NULL),znidx(NULL), pblksz(0) { int argi = 0; #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX if(argc > argi && CanbeInt(argv[argi])) { outchns = GetAInt(argv[argi]); argi++; } #endif if(argc > argi && IsSymbol(argv[argi])) { buf.Set(GetSymbol(argv[argi]),true); argi++; #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX // old-style command line? if(UNLIKELY(argi == 1 && argc == 2 && CanbeInt(argv[argi]))) { outchns = GetAInt(argv[argi]); argi++; post("%s: old style command line detected - please change to '%s [channels] [buffer]'",thisName(),thisName()); } #endif } AddInSignal("Signal of playing speed"); // speed signal AddInFloat("Starting point"); // min play pos AddInFloat("Ending point"); // max play pos for(int ci = 0; ci < outchns; ++ci) { char tmp[30]; STD::sprintf(tmp,"Audio signal channel %i",ci+1); AddOutSignal(tmp); // output } AddOutSignal("Position currently played"); // position AddOutFloat("Starting point (rounded to frame)"); // play min AddOutFloat("Ending point (rounded to frame)"); // play max AddOutBang("Bang on loop end/rollover"); // loop bang // don't know vector size yet -> wait for m_dsp znbuf = new t_sample *[outchns]; for(int i = 0; i < outchns; ++i) znbuf[i] = NULL; // initialize crossfade shape ms_xshape(xshape); } xgroove::~xgroove() { if(znbuf) { for(int i = 0; i < outchns; ++i) if(znbuf[i]) FreeAligned(znbuf[i]); delete[] znbuf; } if(znpos) FreeAligned(znpos); if(znidx) FreeAligned(znidx); } void xgroove::DoReset() { xinter::DoReset(); curpos = 0; bidir = 1; } void xgroove::ms_xzone(float xz) { ChkBuffer(true); _xzone = (UNLIKELY(xz < 0) || UNLIKELY(!s2u))?0:xz/s2u; Update(xsc_fade,true); } void xgroove::ms_xshape(int sh) { if(UNLIKELY(sh < 0) || UNLIKELY(sh > xss_hsine)) sh = xss_lin; xshape = (xs_shape)sh; switch(xshape) { case xss_qsine: znmul = fade_qsine; break; case xss_hsine: znmul = fade_hsine; break; default: post("%s - shape parameter invalid, set to linear",thisName()); case xss_lin: znmul = fade_lin; break; } // no need to recalc the fade zone here } void xgroove::s_pos_off(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs) { t_sample *pos = outvecs[outchns]; SetSamples(pos,n,curpos); playfun(n,&pos,outvecs); SetSamples(pos,n,scale(curpos)); } void xgroove::s_pos_once(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs) { const t_sample *speed = invecs[0]; t_sample *pos = outvecs[outchns]; bool lpbang = false; const double smin = curmin,smax = curmax,plen = smax-smin; if(LIKELY(plen > 0)) { register double o = curpos; for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const t_sample spd = speed[i]; // must be first because the vector is reused for output! if(UNLIKELY(!(o < smax))) { o = smax; lpbang = true; } else if(UNLIKELY(o < smin)) { o = smin; lpbang = true; } pos[i] = o; o += spd; } // normalize and store current playing position setpos(o); playfun(n,&pos,outvecs); arrscale(n,pos,pos); } else s_pos_off(n,invecs,outvecs); if(UNLIKELY(lpbang)) { doplay = false; ToOutBang(outchns+3); } } void xgroove::s_pos_loop(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs) { const t_sample *speed = invecs[0]; t_sample *pos = outvecs[outchns]; bool lpbang = false; #ifdef __VEC__ // prefetch cache vec_dst(speed,GetPrefetchConstant(1,n>>2,0),0); #endif const double smin = curmin,smax = curmax,plen = smax-smin; if(LIKELY(plen > 0)) { register double o = curpos; if(wrap && UNLIKELY(smin < 0) && UNLIKELY(smax >= buf.Frames())) { for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const t_sample spd = speed[i]; // must be first because the vector is reused for output! // normalize offset if(UNLIKELY(!(o < smax))) { // faster than o >= smax o = fmod(o-smin,plen)+smin; lpbang = true; } else if(UNLIKELY(o < smin)) { o = fmod(o-smin,plen)+smax; lpbang = true; } // TODO normalize to 0...buf.Frames() pos[i] = o; o += spd; } } else { /////////////////////////////////// // Most of the time is spent in here /////////////////////////////////// for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const t_sample spd = speed[i]; // must be first because the vector is reused for output! // normalize offset if(UNLIKELY(!(o < smax))) { // faster than o >= smax o = fmod(o-smin,plen)+smin; lpbang = true; } else if(UNLIKELY(o < smin)) { o = fmod(o-smin,plen)+smax; lpbang = true; } pos[i] = o; o += spd; } } // normalize and store current playing position setpos(o); playfun(n,&pos,outvecs); arrscale(n,pos,pos); } else s_pos_off(n,invecs,outvecs); #ifdef __VEC__ vec_dss(0); #endif if(UNLIKELY(lpbang)) ToOutBang(outchns+3); } void xgroove::s_pos_loopzn(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs) { const t_sample *speed = invecs[0]; t_sample *pos = outvecs[outchns]; bool lpbang = false; FLEXT_ASSERT(xzone); const float xz = xzone,xf = (float)XZONE_TABLE/xz; // adapt the playing bounds to the current cross-fade zone const long smin = znsmin,smax = znsmax,plen = smax-smin; // temporary storage const long cmin = curmin,cmax = curmax; // hack -> set curmin/curmax to loop extremes so that sampling functions (playfun) don't get confused curmin = smin,curmax = smax; if(LIKELY(plen > 0)) { bool inzn = false; register double o = curpos; // calculate inner cross-fade boundaries const double lmin = smin+xz,lmax = smax-xz,lsh = lmax-lmin+xz; const double lmin2 = lmin-xz/2,lmax2 = lmax+xz/2; for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // normalize offset if(UNLIKELY(o < smin)) { o = fmod(o-smin,plen)+smax; lpbang = true; } else if(UNLIKELY(!(o < smax))) { o = fmod(o-smin,plen)+smin; lpbang = true; } if(UNLIKELY(o < lmin)) { register float inp; if(o < lmin2) { // in first half of early cross-fade zone // this happens only once, then the offset is normalized to the end // of the loop (before mid of late crossfade) o += lsh; // now lmax <= o <= lmax2 lpbang = true; inp = xz-(float)(o-lmax); // 0 <= inp < xz znpos[i] = lmin-inp; } else { // in second half of early cross-fade zone inp = xz+(float)(o-lmin); // 0 <= inp < xz znpos[i] = lmax+inp; } znidx[i] = inp*xf; inzn = true; } else if(UNLIKELY(!(o < lmax))) { register float inp; if(!(o < lmax2)) { // in second half of late cross-fade zone // this happens only once, then the offset is normalized to the beginning // of the loop (after mid of early crossfade) o -= lsh; // now lmin2 <= o <= lmin lpbang = true; inp = xz+(float)(o-lmin); // 0 <= inp < xz znpos[i] = lmax+inp; } else { // in first half of late cross-fade zone inp = xz-(float)(o-lmax); // 0 <= inp < xz znpos[i] = lmin-inp; } znidx[i] = inp*xf; inzn = true; } else znidx[i] = XZONE_TABLE,znpos[i] = 0; const t_sample spd = speed[i]; // must be first because the vector is reused for output! pos[i] = o; o += spd; } // normalize and store current playing position setpos(o); // calculate samples (1st voice) playfun(n,&pos,outvecs); // rescale position vector arrscale(n,pos,pos); if(UNLIKELY(inzn)) { // only if we have touched the cross-fade zone // calculate samples in loop zone (2nd voice) playfun(n,&znpos,znbuf); // calculate counterpart in loop fade arrscale(n,znidx,znpos,XZONE_TABLE,-1); // calculate fade coefficients by sampling from the fade curve zonefun(znmul,0,XZONE_TABLE+1,n,1,1,&znidx,&znidx,false); zonefun(znmul,0,XZONE_TABLE+1,n,1,1,&znpos,&znpos,false); // mix voices for all channels for(int o = 0; o < outchns; ++o) { MulSamples(outvecs[o],outvecs[o],znidx,n); MulSamples(znbuf[o],znbuf[o],znpos,n); AddSamples(outvecs[o],outvecs[o],znbuf[o],n); } } } else s_pos_off(n,invecs,outvecs); curmin = cmin,curmax = cmax; if(UNLIKELY(lpbang)) ToOutBang(outchns+3); } void xgroove::s_pos_bidir(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs) { const t_sample *speed = invecs[0]; t_sample *pos = outvecs[outchns]; bool lpbang = false; const int smin = curmin,smax = curmax,plen = smax-smin; if(LIKELY(plen > 0)) { register double o = curpos; register float bd = bidir; for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const t_sample spd = speed[i]; // must be first because the vector is reused for output! // normalize offset // \todo at the moment fmod doesn't take bidirectionality into account!! if(UNLIKELY(!(o < smax))) { o = smax-fmod(o-smax,plen); // mirror the position at smax bd = -bd; lpbang = true; } else if(UNLIKELY(o < smin)) { o = smin+fmod(smin-o,plen); // mirror the position at smin bd = -bd; lpbang = true; } pos[i] = o; o += spd*bd; } // normalize and store current playing position setpos(o); bidir = bd; playfun(n,&pos,outvecs); arrscale(n,pos,pos); } else s_pos_off(n,invecs,outvecs); if(UNLIKELY(lpbang)) ToOutBang(outchns+3); } void xgroove::CbSignal() { int ret = ChkBuffer(true); if(LIKELY(ret)) { FLEXT_ASSERT(buf.Valid()); const lock_t l = Lock(); posfun(Blocksize(),InSig(),OutSig()); Unlock(l); Refresh(); } else zerofun(Blocksize(),InSig(),OutSig()); } void xgroove::DoUpdate(unsigned int flags) { xinter::DoUpdate(flags); if(flags&xsc_range) { // output new range ToOutFloat(outchns+1,curmin*s2u); ToOutFloat(outchns+2,curmax*s2u); } if(flags&(xsc_fade|xsc_range)) if(do_xzone()) flags |= xsc_play; if(flags&(xsc_pos|xsc_range)) // normalize position setpos(curpos); // loop zone must already be set if(flags&xsc_play) { if(doplay) { switch(loopmode) { case xsl_once: SETSIGFUN(posfun,SIGFUN(s_pos_once)); break; case xsl_loop: if(xzone > 0) { const int blksz = Blocksize(); if(pblksz != blksz) { for(int o = 0; o < outchns; ++o) { if(znbuf[o]) FreeAligned(znbuf[o]); znbuf[o] = (t_sample *)NewAligned(blksz*sizeof(t_sample)); } if(znpos) FreeAligned(znpos); znpos = (t_sample *)NewAligned(blksz*sizeof(t_sample)); if(znidx) FreeAligned(znidx); znidx = (t_sample *)NewAligned(blksz*sizeof(t_sample)); pblksz = blksz; } SETSIGFUN(posfun,SIGFUN(s_pos_loopzn)); // linear interpolation should be just ok for fade zone, no? switch(outchns) { case 1: SETSTFUN(zonefun,TMPLSTF(st_play2,1,1)); break; case 2: SETSTFUN(zonefun,TMPLSTF(st_play2,1,2)); break; case 4: SETSTFUN(zonefun,TMPLSTF(st_play2,1,4)); break; default: SETSTFUN(zonefun,TMPLSTF(st_play2,1,-1)); } } else SETSIGFUN(posfun,SIGFUN(s_pos_loop)); break; case xsl_bidir: SETSIGFUN(posfun,SIGFUN(s_pos_bidir)); break; default: ; // just to prevent warning } } else SETSIGFUN(posfun,SIGFUN(s_pos_off)); } } bool xgroove::do_xzone() { // \todo do we really need this? if(UNLIKELY(!s2u)) return false; // this can happen if DSP is off const long frames = buf.Frames(); if(UNLIKELY(!frames)) return false; xzone = _xzone; // make a copy for changing it if(xfade == xsf_inside) { // fade zone goes inside the loop -> loop becomes shorter // \todo what about round-off? const long maxfd = (curmax-curmin)/2; if(xzone > maxfd) xzone = maxfd; znsmin = curmin,znsmax = curmax; } else if(xfade == xsf_keepfade) { // try to keep fade zone // change of loop bounds may happen // restrict xzone to half of buffer const long maxfd = frames/2; if(xzone > maxfd) xzone = maxfd; // \todo what about round-off? const long hzone = CASTINT<long>(xzone/2.f+0.5f); znsmin = curmin-hzone; znsmax = curmax+hzone; // widen loop if xzone doesn't fit into it // \todo check formula long lack = CASTINT<long>(ceil((xzone*2.f-(znsmax-znsmin))/2.f)); if(lack > 0) znsmin -= lack,znsmax += lack; if(!wrap) { // check buffer limits and shift bounds if necessary if(znsmin < 0) { znsmax -= znsmin; znsmin = 0; } if(znsmax > frames) znsmax = frames; } } else if(xfade == xsf_keeplooplen) { // try to keep loop length // shifting of loop bounds may happen const long plen = curmax-curmin; if(xzone > plen) xzone = plen; const long maxfd = frames-plen; if(xzone > maxfd) xzone = maxfd; // \todo what about round-off? const long hzone = CASTINT<long>(xzone/2.f+0.5f); znsmin = curmin-hzone; znsmax = curmax+hzone; if(!wrap) { // check buffer limits and shift bounds if necessary // both cases can't happen because of xzone having been limited above if(znsmin < 0) { znsmax -= znsmin; znsmin = 0; } else if(znsmax > frames) { znsmin -= znsmax-frames; znsmax = frames; } } } else if(xfade == xsf_keeplooppos) { // try to keep loop position and length // restrict fade zone to maximum length const long plen = curmax-curmin; if(xzone > plen) xzone = plen; // \todo what about round-off? const long hzone = CASTINT<long>(xzone/2.f+0.5f); znsmin = curmin-hzone; znsmax = curmax+hzone; long ovr = znsmax-frames; if(-znsmin > ovr) ovr = -znsmin; if(ovr > 0) { znsmin += ovr; znsmax -= ovr; xzone -= ovr*2; } } FLEXT_ASSERT(znsmin <= znsmax && (znsmax-znsmin) >= xzone*2.f); return true; } void xgroove::m_help() { post("%s - part of xsample objects, version " XSAMPLE_VERSION,thisName()); post("(C) Thomas Grill, 2001-2007"); #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX post("Arguments: %s [channels=1] [buffer]",thisName()); #else post("Arguments: %s [buffer]",thisName()); #endif post("Inlets: 1:Messages/Speed signal, 2:Min position, 3:Max position"); post("Outlets: 1:Audio signal, 2:Position signal, 3:Min position (rounded), 4:Max position (rounded)"); post("Methods:"); post("\thelp: shows this help"); post("\tset [name] / @buffer [name]: set buffer or reinit"); post("\tenable 0/1: turn dsp calculation off/on"); post("\treset: reset min/max playing points and playing offset"); post("\tprint: print current settings"); post("\t@loop 0/1/2: sets looping to off/forward/bidirectional"); post("\t@interp 0/1/2: set interpolation to off/4-point/linear"); post("\t@min {unit}: set minimum playing point"); post("\t@max {unit}: set maximum playing point"); post("\tall: select entire buffer length"); post("\tpos {unit}: set playing position (obeying the current scale mode)"); post("\tposmod {unit}: set playing position (modulo into min/max range)"); post("\tbang/start: start playing"); post("\tstop: stop playing"); post("\trefresh: checks buffer and refreshes outlets"); post("\t@units 0/1/2/3: set units to frames/buffer size/ms/s"); post("\t@sclmode 0/1/2/3: set range of position to units/units in loop/buffer/loop"); post("\t@xzone {unit}: length of loop crossfade zone"); post("\t@xfade 0/1/2/3: fade mode (keep loop/keep loop length/keep fade/inside loop)"); post("\t@xshape 0/1/2: shape of crossfade (linear/quarter sine/half sine)"); post(""); } void xgroove::m_print() { static const char *sclmode_txt[] = {"units","units in loop","buffer","loop"}; static const char *interp_txt[] = {"off","4-point","linear"}; static const char *loop_txt[] = {"once","looping","bidir"}; // print all current settings post("%s - current settings:",thisName()); post("bufname = '%s', length = %.3f, channels = %i",buf.Name(),(float)(buf.Frames()*s2u),buf.Channels()); post("out channels = %i, frames/unit = %.3f, scale mode = %s",outchns,(float)(1./s2u),sclmode_txt[sclmode]); post("loop = %s, interpolation = %s",loop_txt[(int)loopmode],interp_txt[interp >= xsi_none && interp <= xsi_lin?interp:xsi_none]); post("loop crossfade zone = %.3f",(float)(xzone*s2u)); post(""); }