/* xsample - extended sample objects for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #include "main.h" // Initialization function for xsample library static void xsample_main() { flext::post("-------------------------------"); flext::post("xsample objects, version " XSAMPLE_VERSION); flext::post(""); flext::post(" xrecord~, xplay~, xgroove~ "); flext::post(" (C)2001-2005 Thomas Grill "); #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG flext::post(""); flext::post("DEBUG BUILD - " __DATE__ " " __TIME__); #endif flext::post("-------------------------------"); // call the objects' setup routines FLEXT_DSP_SETUP(xrecord); FLEXT_DSP_SETUP(xplay); FLEXT_DSP_SETUP(xgroove); } // setup the library FLEXT_LIB_SETUP(xsample,xsample_main) // ------------------------------ void xsample::setup(t_classid c) { FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"help",m_help); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"set",m_set); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"print",m_print); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"refresh",m_refresh); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"reset",m_reset); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"buffer",mg_buffer,ms_buffer); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR_E(c,"units",unitmode,m_units); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR_E(c,"sclmode",sclmode,m_sclmode); FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"scale",s2u); } xsample::xsample(): update(xsc_all), #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX unitmode(xsu_ms), // Max/MSP defaults to milliseconds #else unitmode(xsu_sample), // PD defaults to samples #endif sclmode(xss_unitsinbuf), curmin(0),curmax(1L<<(sizeof(curmax)*8-2)) {} xsample::~xsample() {} bool xsample::Finalize() { if(!flext_dsp::Finalize()) return false; // flags have been set in constructor Refresh(); return true; } int xsample::ChkBuffer(bool refresh) { if(!buf.Ok()) return 0; if(buf.Update()) { #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG post("%s - buffer update!",thisName()); #endif Update(xsc_buffer); if(refresh) { Refresh(); return buf.Ok() && buf.Valid()?1:0; } else return buf.Valid()?1:0; } else return buf.Valid()?-1:0; } /* called after all buffer objects have been created in the patch */ void xsample::CbLoadbang() { ChkBuffer(true); } void xsample::m_set(int argc,const t_atom *argv) { const t_symbol *sym = argc >= 1?GetASymbol(argv[0]):NULL; int r = buf.Set(sym); if(sym && r < 0) post("%s - can't find buffer %s",thisName(),GetString(sym)); Update(xsc_buffer,true); } void xsample::m_min(float mn) { int ret = ChkBuffer(true); if(ret && s2u) { long cmn = CASTINT<long>(mn/s2u+0.5f); // conversion to samples if(cmn < 0) curmin = 0; else if(cmn > curmax) curmin = curmax; else curmin = cmn; Update(xsc_range,true); } } void xsample::m_max(float mx) { int ret = ChkBuffer(true); if(ret && s2u) { long cmx = CASTINT<long>(mx/s2u+0.5f); // conversion to samples if(cmx > buf.Frames()) curmax = buf.Frames(); else if(cmx < curmin) curmax = curmin; else curmax = cmx; Update(xsc_range,true); } } bool xsample::CbDsp() { // this is hopefully called at change of sample rate ?! #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG post("%s - DSP reset!",thisName()); #endif // for PD at least this is also called if a table has been deleted... // then we must reset the buffer Update(xsc_srate|xsc_buffer,true); return true; } void xsample::DoReset() { ResetRange(); } void xsample::DoUpdate(unsigned int flags) { if(flags&xsc_buffer) buf.Set(); if(flags&xsc_range && buf.Ok()) { if(curmin < 0) curmin = 0; if(curmax > buf.Frames()) curmax = buf.Frames(); } if(flags&xsc_units) { switch(unitmode) { case xsu_sample: // samples s2u = 1; break; case xsu_buffer: // buffer size s2u = buf.Ok() && buf.Frames()?1.f/buf.Frames():0; break; case xsu_ms: // ms s2u = 1000.f/Samplerate(); break; case xsu_s: // s s2u = 1.f/Samplerate(); break; default: post("%s - Unknown unit mode",thisName()); } switch(sclmode) { case xss_unitsinbuf: // samples/units sclmin = 0; sclmul = s2u; break; case xss_unitsinloop: // samples/units from recmin to recmax sclmin = curmin; sclmul = s2u; break; case xss_buffer: // unity between 0 and buffer size sclmin = 0; sclmul = buf.Ok() && buf.Frames()?1.f/buf.Frames():0; break; case xss_loop: // unity between recmin and recmax sclmin = curmin; sclmul = curmin < curmax?1.f/(curmax-curmin):0; break; default: post("%s - Unknown scale mode",thisName()); } } }