/* xsample - extended sample objects for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #ifndef __XSAMPLE_H #define __XSAMPLE_H #define XSAMPLE_VERSION "0.3.0pre16" #define FLEXT_ATTRIBUTES 1 #include #if !defined(FLEXT_VERSION) || (FLEXT_VERSION < 500) #error You need at least flext version 0.5.0 #endif // most compilers are somehow broken - in other words - can't handle all C++ features #if defined(_MSC_VER) // MS VC 6.0 can't handle templates?! -> no optimization #if _MSC_VER >= 1300 #define TMPLOPT #endif #elif defined(__BORLANDC__) // handles all optimizations #define TMPLOPT #elif defined(__GNUC__) // GNUC 2.95.2 dies at compile with templates #if __GNUC__ >= 3 #define TMPLOPT // only workable with gcc >= 3.0 #endif #elif defined(__MWERKS__) // CodeWarrior <= 8 can't take address of a template member function #ifndef FLEXT_DEBUG #define TMPLOPT #endif // #define SIGSTATIC // define that for CW6 #elif defined(__MRC__) // Apple MPW - MrCpp // #define TMPLOPT // template optimation for more speed #else // another compiler // #define TMPLOPT // template optimation for more speed (about 10%) //#define SIGSTATIC // another redirection to avoid addresses of class member functions #endif // lazy me #define F float #define D double #define I int #define L long #define C char #define V void #define BL bool #define S t_sample #if defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(__MACH__) #define STD std #else #define STD #endif #ifdef __ALTIVEC__ #if FLEXT_CPU == FLEXT_CPU_PPC && defined(__MWERKS__) #pragma altivec_model on #include #include #elif FLEXT_CPU == FLEXT_CPU_PPC && defined(__GNUG__) #include #include #endif // Initialize a prefetch constant for use with vec_dst(), vec_dstt(), vec_dstst or vec_dststt // Taken from the "AltiVec tutorial" by Ian Ollmann, Ph.D. inline UInt32 GetPrefetchConstant( int blockSizeInVectors,int blockCount,int blockStride ) { // FLEXT_ASSERT( blockSizeInVectors > 0 && blockSizeInVectors <= 32 ); // FLEXT_ASSERT( blockCount > 0 && blockCount <= 256 ); // FLEXT_ASSERT( blockStride > MIN_SHRT && blockStride <= MAX_SHRT ); return ((blockSizeInVectors << 24) & 0x1F000000) | ((blockCount << 16) && 0x00FF0000) | (blockStride & 0xFFFF); } #endif class xsample: public flext_dsp { FLEXT_HEADER_S(xsample,flext_dsp,setup) public: xsample(); ~xsample(); enum xs_unit { xsu__ = -1, // don't change xsu_sample = 0,xsu_buffer,xsu_ms,xsu_s }; enum xs_intp { xsi__ = -1, // don't change xsi_none = 0,xsi_4p,xsi_lin }; enum xs_sclmd { xss__ = -1, // don't change xss_unitsinbuf = 0,xss_unitsinloop,xss_buffer,xss_loop }; protected: buffer *buf; virtual V m_start() = 0; virtual V m_stop() = 0; virtual BL m_reset(); virtual I m_set(I argc,const t_atom *argv); virtual V m_print() = 0; virtual BL m_refresh(); virtual V m_loadbang(); virtual V m_units(xs_unit u = xsu__); virtual V m_sclmode(xs_sclmd u = xss__); virtual V m_all(); virtual V m_min(F mn); virtual V m_max(F mx); virtual V m_dsp(I n,S *const *insigs,S *const *outsigs); virtual V s_dsp() = 0; xs_unit unitmode; //iunitmode,ounitmode; xs_sclmd sclmode; //isclmode,osclmode; I curmin,curmax; //,curlen; // in samples I sclmin; // in samples F sclmul; F s2u; // sample to unit conversion factor inline F scale(F smp) const { return (smp-sclmin)*sclmul; } static V arrscale(I n,const S *in,S *out,S add,S mul) { flext::ScaleSamples(out,in,mul,add,n); } inline V arrscale(I n,const S *in,S *out) const { arrscale(n,in,out,-sclmin*sclmul,sclmul); } static V arrmul(I n,const S *in,S *out,S mul) { flext::MulSamples(out,in,mul,n); } inline V arrmul(I n,const S *in,S *out) const { arrmul(n,in,out,(S)(1./s2u)); } BL bufchk(); V mg_buffer(AtomList &l) { if(buf) { l(1); SetSymbol(l[0],buf->Symbol()); } else l(); } inline V ms_buffer(const AtomList &l) { m_set(l.Count(),l.Atoms()); } inline V mg_min(F &v) const { v = curmin*s2u; } inline V mg_max(F &v) const { v = curmax*s2u; } private: static V setup(t_classid c); FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_start) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_stop) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_set) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_print) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_refresh) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_reset) FLEXT_CALLVAR_V(mg_buffer,ms_buffer) FLEXT_CALLSET_E(m_units,xs_unit) FLEXT_ATTRGET_E(unitmode,xs_unit) FLEXT_CALLSET_E(m_sclmode,xs_sclmd) FLEXT_ATTRGET_E(sclmode,xs_sclmd) FLEXT_ATTRGET_F(s2u) protected: FLEXT_CALLGET_F(mg_min) FLEXT_CALLGET_F(mg_max) }; // defines which are used in the derived classes #ifdef SIGSTATIC #ifdef TMPLOPT #define TMPLFUN(FUN,BCHNS,IOCHNS) &thisType::st_##FUN #define TMPLSTF(FUN,BCHNS,IOCHNS) &thisType::FUN #define SIGFUN(FUN) &thisType::st_##FUN #define TMPLDEF template #define TMPLCALL <_BCHNS_,_IOCHNS_> #else #define TMPLFUN(FUN,BCHNS,IOCHNS) &thisType::st_##FUN #define TMPLSTF(FUN,BCHNS,IOCHNS) &thisType::FUN #define SIGFUN(FUN) &thisType::st_##FUN #define TMPLDEF #define TMPLCALL #endif #define DEFSIGFUN(NAME) \ static V st_##NAME(thisType *obj,I n,S *const *in,S *const *out) { obj->NAME (n,in,out); } \ V NAME(I n,S *const *in,S *const *out) #define TMPLSIGFUN(NAME) \ TMPLDEF static V st_##NAME(thisType *obj,I n,S *const *in,S *const *out) { obj->NAME TMPLCALL (n,in,out); } \ TMPLDEF V NAME(I n,S *const *in,S *const *out) #define TMPLSTFUN(NAME) TMPLDEF static V NAME(const S *bdt,const I smin,const I smax,const I n,const I inchns,const I outchns,S *const *invecs,S *const *outvecs) #define SETSIGFUN(VAR,FUN) v_##VAR = FUN #define SETSTFUN(VAR,FUN) VAR = FUN #define DEFSIGCALL(NAME) \ inline V NAME(I n,S *const *in,S *const *out) { (*v_##NAME)(this,n,in,out); } \ V (*v_##NAME)(thisType *obj,I n,S *const *in,S *const *out) #define DEFSTCALL(NAME) \ V (*NAME)(const S *bdt,const I smin,const I smax,const I n,const I inchns,const I outchns,S *const *invecs,S *const *outvecs) #else #ifdef TMPLOPT #define TMPLFUN(FUN,BCHNS,IOCHNS) &thisType::FUN #define SIGFUN(FUN) &thisType::FUN #define TMPLDEF template #define TMPLCALL <_BCHNS_,_IOCHNS_> #else #define TMPLFUN(FUN,BCHNS,IOCHNS) &thisType::FUN #define SIGFUN(FUN) &thisType::FUN #define TMPLDEF #define TMPLCALL #endif #define TMPLSTF(FUN,BCHNS,IOCHNS) TMPLFUN(FUN,BCHNS,IOCHNS) #define DEFSIGFUN(NAME) V NAME(I n,S *const *in,S *const *out) #define TMPLSIGFUN(NAME) TMPLDEF V NAME(I n,S *const *in,S *const *out) #define TMPLSTFUN(NAME) TMPLDEF static V NAME(const S *bdt,const I smin,const I smax,const I n,const I inchns,const I outchns,S *const *invecs,S *const *outvecs) #define SETSIGFUN(VAR,FUN) v_##VAR = FUN #define DEFSIGCALL(NAME) \ inline V NAME(I n,S *const *in,S *const *out) { (this->*v_##NAME)(n,in,out); } \ V (thisType::*v_##NAME)(I n,S *const *invecs,S *const *outvecs) #define SETSTFUN(VAR,FUN) VAR = FUN #define DEFSTCALL(NAME) \ V (*NAME)(const S *bdt,const I smin,const I smax,const I n,const I inchns,const I outchns,S *const *invecs,S *const *outvecs) #endif #ifndef MIN #define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y)?(x):(y)) #endif // in the signal functions #ifdef TMPLOPT // optimization by using constants for channel numbers #define SIGCHNS(BCHNS,bchns,IOCHNS,iochns) \ const I BCHNS = _BCHNS_ < 0?(bchns):_BCHNS_; \ const I IOCHNS = _IOCHNS_ < 0?MIN(iochns,BCHNS):MIN(_IOCHNS_,BCHNS) #else // no template optimization #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD // only mono buffers #define SIGCHNS(BCHNS,bchns,IOCHNS,iochns) \ const I BCHNS = 1; \ const I IOCHNS = MIN(iochns,BCHNS) #else // MAXMSP #define SIGCHNS(BCHNS,bchns,IOCHNS,iochns) \ const I BCHNS = bchns; \ const I IOCHNS = MIN(iochns,BCHNS) #endif #endif class xinter: public xsample { FLEXT_HEADER_S(xinter,xsample,setup) public: xinter(); protected: virtual I m_set(I argc,const t_atom *argv); virtual V m_start(); virtual V m_stop(); inline V m_interp(xs_intp mode = xsi__) { interp = mode; s_dsp(); } I outchns; BL doplay; xs_intp interp; TMPLSIGFUN(s_play0); TMPLSIGFUN(s_play1); TMPLSIGFUN(s_play2); TMPLSIGFUN(s_play4); TMPLSTFUN(st_play0); TMPLSTFUN(st_play1); TMPLSTFUN(st_play2); TMPLSTFUN(st_play4); DEFSIGCALL(playfun); DEFSIGCALL(zerofun); virtual V s_dsp(); private: static V setup(t_classid c); FLEXT_CALLSET_E(m_interp,xs_intp) FLEXT_ATTRGET_E(interp,xs_intp) }; #ifdef TMPLOPT #include "inter.h" #endif #endif