------ libdir ------ This package provides support for the libdir format of libraries that is used in Pd-extended. It should work with any version of Pd 0.40 or newer. To install, copy the files for your platform into your "extra" folder and the help patches to the "doc/5.reference" folder. You will need to load the libdir.dll/libdir.pd_linux/libdir.pd_darwin as a library before trying to load any libdirs. The libdirs have to be in the global classpath in order to be found. You can add a library two ways: - add this text to one of the fields in the "Startup" prefs: libdir - load it on the command line with this: -lib libdir For more info on the structure of libdirs, see this webpage: http://puredata.org/docs/developer/Libdir If you want to compile these yourself, it will be much easier to compile it out of the pure-data CVS. Otherwise, just drop these into any working externals build system and they should compile, they are very simple C files. --------- hexloader --------- This package provides support for the loading objectclasses with special characters It should work with any version of Pd 0.40 or newer. To install, copy the files for your platform into your "extra" folder and the help patches to the "doc/5.reference" folder. You will need to load the hexloader.dll/hexloader.pd_linux/hexloader.pd_darwin as a library before trying to load any objects with special characters You can add a library in several ways: - add this text to one of the fields in the "Startup" prefs: hexloader - load it on the command line with this: -lib hexloader - create an object [declare -lib hexloader] in your main patch - create an object [hexloader] If you want to compile these yourself, changedir into ./hexloader and run "make" for more information see the README.txt in the hexloader/ folder