/* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Miller Puckette. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* misc. */ #include "m_pd.h" #include "s_stuff.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef UNISTD #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/times.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <unistd.h> #endif #ifdef MSW #include <wtypes.h> #include <time.h> #endif #if defined (__APPLE__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) #define CLOCKHZ CLK_TCK #endif #if defined (__linux__) #define CLOCKHZ sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) #endif static t_class *cputime_class; typedef struct _cputime { t_object x_obj; #ifdef UNISTD struct tms x_setcputime; #endif #ifdef MSW LARGE_INTEGER x_kerneltime; LARGE_INTEGER x_usertime; int x_warned; #endif } t_cputime; static void cputime_bang(t_cputime *x) { #ifdef UNISTD times(&x->x_setcputime); #endif #ifdef MSW FILETIME ignorethis, ignorethat; BOOL retval; retval = GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), &ignorethis, &ignorethat, (FILETIME *)&x->x_kerneltime, (FILETIME *)&x->x_usertime); if (!retval) { if (!x->x_warned) post("cputime is apparently not supported on your platform"); x->x_warned = 1; x->x_kerneltime.QuadPart = 0; x->x_usertime.QuadPart = 0; } #endif } static void cputime_bang2(t_cputime *x) { #ifdef UNISTD t_float elapsedcpu; struct tms newcputime; times(&newcputime); elapsedcpu = 1000 * ( newcputime.tms_utime + newcputime.tms_stime - x->x_setcputime.tms_utime - x->x_setcputime.tms_stime) / CLOCKHZ; outlet_float(x->x_obj.ob_outlet, elapsedcpu); #endif #ifdef MSW t_float elapsedcpu; FILETIME ignorethis, ignorethat; LARGE_INTEGER usertime, kerneltime; BOOL retval; retval = GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), &ignorethis, &ignorethat, (FILETIME *)&kerneltime, (FILETIME *)&usertime); if (retval) elapsedcpu = 0.0001 * ((kerneltime.QuadPart - x->x_kerneltime.QuadPart) + (usertime.QuadPart - x->x_usertime.QuadPart)); else elapsedcpu = 0; outlet_float(x->x_obj.ob_outlet, elapsedcpu); #endif } static void *cputime_new(void) { t_cputime *x = (t_cputime *)pd_new(cputime_class); outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("float")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, gensym("bang"), gensym("bang2")); #ifdef MSW x->x_warned = 0; #endif cputime_bang(x); return (x); } void cputime_setup(void) { cputime_class = class_new(gensym("cputime"), (t_newmethod)cputime_new, 0, sizeof(t_cputime), 0, 0); class_addbang(cputime_class, cputime_bang); class_addmethod(cputime_class, (t_method)cputime_bang2, gensym("bang2"), 0); }