/* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Miller Puckette.
* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution.  */

/* interface objects */

#include "m_pd.h"
#include <string.h>

/* -------------------------- print ------------------------------ */
static t_class *print_class;

typedef struct _print
    t_object x_obj;
    t_symbol *x_sym;
} t_print;

static void *print_new(t_symbol *sel, int argc, t_atom *argv)
    t_print *x = (t_print *)pd_new(print_class);
    if (argc == 0)
        x->x_sym = gensym("print");
    else if (argc == 1 && argv->a_type == A_SYMBOL)
        t_symbol *s = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv);
        if (!strcmp(s->s_name, "-n"))
        x->x_sym = &s_;
    else x->x_sym = s;
        int bufsize;
        char *buf;
        t_binbuf *bb = binbuf_new();
        binbuf_add(bb, argc, argv);
        binbuf_gettext(bb, &buf, &bufsize);
        buf = resizebytes(buf, bufsize, bufsize+1);
        buf[bufsize] = 0;
        x->x_sym = gensym(buf);
        freebytes(buf, bufsize+1);
    return (x);

static void print_bang(t_print *x)
    post("%s%sbang", x->x_sym->s_name, (*x->x_sym->s_name ? ": " : ""));

static void print_pointer(t_print *x, t_gpointer *gp)
    post("%s%s(gpointer)", x->x_sym->s_name, (*x->x_sym->s_name ? ": " : ""));

static void print_float(t_print *x, t_float f)
    post("%s%s%g", x->x_sym->s_name, (*x->x_sym->s_name ? ": " : ""), f);

static void print_list(t_print *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
    int i;
    if (argc && argv->a_type != A_SYMBOL) startpost("%s:", x->x_sym->s_name);
    else startpost("%s%s%s", x->x_sym->s_name,
        (*x->x_sym->s_name ? ": " : ""),
        (argc > 1 ? s_list.s_name : (argc == 1 ? s_symbol.s_name :
    postatom(argc, argv);

static void print_anything(t_print *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
    int i;
    startpost("%s%s%s", x->x_sym->s_name, (*x->x_sym->s_name ? ": " : ""),
    postatom(argc, argv);

void print_setup(void)
    print_class = class_new(gensym("print"), (t_newmethod)print_new, 0,
        sizeof(t_print), 0, A_GIMME, 0);
    class_addbang(print_class, print_bang);
    class_addfloat(print_class, print_float);
    class_addpointer(print_class, print_pointer);
    class_addlist(print_class, print_list);
    class_addanything(print_class, print_anything);