Pure Data External Repository


The Pure Data external reopsitory is meant to be a place where developers of externals for the Pure Data computer music system can put their code. For information about PD, look at the Pure Data website.

How to download the PD externals

ANN:This is preliminary information, later it will be just downloading a source tarball or the precompiled binary distributions.

You have to install cvs. On most Linux system this is already install, on Windows or MACOS/X you will have to download it from the net (TODO: add link).

Then, if you have cvs install (this example is assuming the commandline version) use the following line to login into the CVS server:

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.pure-data.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data login

hit return when you are asked for a password. In order to get the source:

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.pure-data.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data co externals

How to put your externals in the repository

Why you should care

PD has a huge user base, we are all enjoying to work with PD. But sometimes when you do a big project there are some things that you want to do, but it is not possible to do it by patching only. Thats why so many different people wrote lots of externals for PD, and most of them (I hope so at least) are putting them on the web for free download.

It has become increasingly hard to have the overview over all these externals, thats why we started this external repository, where developers can add their externals. This way it will be easier to manage the externals, update orphaned externals, distribute compiled versions for different systems, avoid duplication of effort, and finally the users have the advantage of beeing able to download it from one single place.

I could go on listing advantages of this system, but there is one big disadvantage. We have to work on it inorder to make it a sucess. We have to learn CVS, we have to import our projects into the repository. I think it is worth this work, because you gain a lot too. If you donīt have the time to get into this, but still agree that your external becomes part of the repository, just write me an email (ANN: link to email).

The procedure

To contribute your pd externals to the repository you have to register yourself at sourceforge first. (You will be a official developer of the project then). Go to sourceforge.net and click on the "new user" link on the upper left corner. Then send me an email and tell me the user you created, I will add you to the pure-data developer list then.

You can see at the project page if you are already listed as a developer. The next step is to "import" your source code. First make sure that your code is in a directory, and remove everything from that directory that you donīt want to put under CVS. Compiled code, for example, is not put into CVS, normally.

Make sure you are in this directory and issue the command:
cvs -z3 -d:ext:developername@cvs.pure-data.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data import externals/dirname developername source
If all of this went well, move away your external directory (keep it as a backup) and checkout the code with:
cvs -z3 -d:ext:developername@cvs.pure-data.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data co externals