## Makefile.buildlayout # This file should be exactly the same in each section of the CVS. A copy is # kept in each section of the CVS so that each section will be self-contained. # To use it, you need to include it in your Makefile (i.e. "include # Makefile.buildlayout") and then define $(INSTALL_PREFIX) and $(SRC_ROOT_DIR). # # $(SRC_ROOT_DIR) is the base directory of src tree, equivalent to the root # level of the pure-data CVS. # # $(INSTALL_PREFIX) is the base directory to where all of the resulting files # will be copied. # # This file is currently located in these places: # abstractions # externals/build # packages # # it will be going here too: # doc # extensions # gem # pd # # # sources ABSTRACTIONS_SRC = $(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/abstractions DOC_SRC = $(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/doc EXTERNALS_SRC = $(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/externals FLEXT_SRC = $(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/externals/grill/flext GEM_SRC = $(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/Gem GEMLIBS_SRC = $(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/GemLibs PD_SRC = $(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/pd SCRIPTS_SRC = $(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/scripts # destinations APPLICATIONS_DEST = $(DOCS_DEST)/examples DOCS_DEST = $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/doc OBJECTS_DEST = $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/extra HELP_DEST = $(DOCS_DEST)/5.reference MANUALS_DEST = $(DOCS_DEST)/manuals #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # DIRECTORY STRUCTURE TARGETS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # first make sure that the directory structure is setup $(INSTALL_PREFIX): install -d $(INSTALL_PREFIX) $(APPLICATIONS_DEST): $(INSTALL_PREFIX) install -d $(APPLICATIONS_DEST) $(DOCS_DEST): $(INSTALL_PREFIX) install -d $(DOCS_DEST) $(HELP_DEST): $(INSTALL_PREFIX) install -d $(HELP_DEST) $(MANUALS_DEST): $(INSTALL_PREFIX) install -d $(MANUALS_DEST) $(OBJECTS_DEST): $(INSTALL_PREFIX) install -d $(OBJECTS_DEST)