- make pd-settings.reg and org.puredata.pd.plist have the same libs and same order

- fix patch failures in patch_pd

- make sure PDP is being added

- add pan library

- allow DESTDIR to be a relative path

- fiddle~, bonk~, etc. didn't get installed

- try out FFTW patch from patch tracker (it applies fine, but the build system
  needs to set the define to enable it).

- document generate-libdir-metafile.sh

- move darwin_app_perms to here and make generic prerelease_clean target which
  is called separately

- test for "configure" before running autoconf, also rm "configure" on distclean

- global optimization flags
  		ideally, you would use a version of Pd that is fully optimized for your
  		CPU.  In order to do this, a system of optimization flags needs to be
  		developed so that you can specific the target CPU in one place and have
  		everything compile for that CPU.

- add GRIPD for Anders

- mDNS objects!

- make standard targets: distclean (*~, etc.), uninstall instead of install_clean

- adding flext (from tgrill) "you could take the templates, *.def in the
  buildsys hierarchy from which the original config*.txt files are
  generated. These don't make assumptions about CPU etc. and should therefore
  be portable"

- Preferences

	 - look at BBogart's LML http://www.ekran.org/ben/research/lml/lml-v0.1-TEST8-osx.tgz