- make abstraction -lib loader. when a -lib mylibrary name is tried and fails in the path, then fails with IO's altname, then try to load as a path on top of extra: i.e. extra/mylibrary. If found, add to path, and add doc/5.reference/mylibrary to helppath. - call it sys_load_lib_folder();, - insert it after if (!sys_load_lib()) in s_main.c - make pd section since I can't easily modify the pd tree - add notes.txt to manuals - create patch system and incorporate IO's hex patch - hex convertor for setup function names, and object file names - merge in tigital's Makefile++ - move purepd to abstractions - add GRIPD for Anders - add reg keys for Martin Dupras - mDNS objects! - import nqpoly4 and write helpfiles based on website: http://pix.test.at/pd/nqpoly/nqpoly4.html - global versioning system the package releases should have versions of there own which apply to all packages, regardless of format or OS. This will make for easy and seemless cross-platform work. - global optimization flags ideally, you would use a version of Pd that is fully optimized for your CPU. In order to do this, a system of optimization flags needs to be developed so that you can specific the target CPU in one place and have everything compile for that CPU.