============================================================================== Patches ============================================================================== Since currently, only Miller has commit permissions to the 'pd' section of the CVS, optional fixes and fixes necessary for building the whole Pd.app are included in 'packages/darwin_app/patches'. The currently used patches can be applied by running "make darwin_patch_pd" or unpatched using "make darwin_unpatch_pd". ============================================================================== Compiling Pd.app ============================================================================== To compile a standalone Pd.app, you need this stuff: ______________________________ Tcl/Tk Standalone .app ------------------------------ 1. download TclTkAquaStandalone-8.4.*.dmg from http://tcltkaqua.sourceforge.net/ (I used 8.4.9) 2. mount the dmg manually, or, put TclTkAquaStandalone-8.4.*.dmg in packages/darwin_app and it will be automatically mounted 3. the Makefile will find what it needs in the mounted .dmg Tcl/Tk Frameworks 1. download TclTkAqua-8.4.*.dmg from http://tcltkaqua.sourceforge.net/ (I used 8.4.9) 2. install Tcl/Tk.pkg in the standard location ______________________________ JackOSX ______________________________ Jack is optional. The current linking allows Jack to be "weakly" linked, meaning that its an optional dependency. 1. download latest JackOSX from http://www.jackosx.com/download.html (I used version 0.6.1) 2. install the .pkg in the standard location ______________________________ You will need all this stuff from CVS: ------------------------------ mkdir pure-data && chdir pure-data CVSROOT = :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data cvs co abstractions cvs co doc cvs co externals cvs co packages either get Pd core from CVS: cvs co pd or untar a tarball: tar xzf pd-0.38-4.src.tar.gz ln -s pd-0.38-4 pd ______________________________ making the Pd.app ------------------------------ In packages/darwin_app/Makefile, on line 177, you'll need to choose wheter you compiling from MSP source or CVS. The final build product will be put into build/Pd.app.