
Since currently, only Miller has commit permissions to the 'pd' section of the
CVS, the fixes necessary for building the whole Pd.app are included in
'packages/darwin_app/patches'.  The patches can be applied by running "make
darwin_patch_pd" or unpatched using "make darwin_unpatch_pd".

 Compiling Pd.app

To compile a standalone Pd.app, you need this stuff:

Tcl/Tk Standalone .app

  1. download TclTkAquaStandalone-8.4.*.dmg from http://tcltkaqua.sourceforge.net/
  	  (I used 8.4.9)		  
  2. mount the dmg manually, or, put TclTkAquaStandalone-8.4.*.dmg in
  	  packages/darwin_app and it will be automatically mounted
  3. the Makefile will find what it needs in the mounted .dmg

Tcl/Tk Frameworks
  1. download TclTkAqua-8.4.*.dmg from http://tcltkaqua.sourceforge.net/ 
     (I used 8.4.9)
  2. install Tcl/Tk.pkg in the standard location

Jack is optional.  The current linking method causes the resulting binary to
require the Jack.framework to start whether or not you are using Jack.
Ideally with would be fixed...

  1. download latest JackOSX from http://www.jackosx.com/download.html 
  	  (I used version 0.6.1)
  2. install the .pkg in the standard location

You will need all this stuff from CVS:
	 mkdir pure-data && chdir pure-data
	 CVSROOT = :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data
	 cvs co abstractions
	 cvs co doc
	 cvs co externals
	 cvs co packages

either get Pd core from CVS:
	 cvs co pd

or untar a tarball:
	 tar xzf pd-0.38-4.src.tar.gz
	 ln -s pd-0.38-4 pd
making the Pd.app

    In packages/darwin_app/Makefile, on line 177, you'll need to choose wheter
    you compiling from MSP source or CVS.

	 The final build product will be put into build/Pd.app.