- somehow 3.audio.examples and fiddle~, bonk~, etc. didn't get installed - in post-clean, rm *.bak - make Info.plist.in template and have the Makefile create Info.plist - check to make sure that Rez mac.r is working in Makefile - make Pd open a new window when its launched to workaround the bug where the menus don't work until a window is opened. - otool dylib help: http://qin.laya.com/tech_coding_help/dylib_linking.html - add symbolic link for flext (cd Pd.app/Contents/Resources/extra && ln -s . lib) - from Carmen Rocco about [fiddle~] crash: "is fiddle~: * compiled with the same header * linked with the same binary of (lib)pd * compiled with the same compiler? i had very similar issues with bonk on windows (Virtually same stacktrace but s/fiddle/bonk) until fixing the above 3 things..." - review permissions so that you can build on top on existing builds - add standard paths to included org.puredata.pd.plist following these guidelines: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFileSystem/Articles/WhereToPutFiles.html - help menu - check up on this bug: Opening Help patches from "Pure Documentation" - make help menu function check if item exists before trying to make a menu item so that it doesn't break pd.tk<->pd interaction (i.e. windows titled x50bf90). (the recursive function might have fixed this) - try this for the Pref Pane: kAEShowPreferences ::tk::mac::ShowPreferences - research Tcl "auto_path" - research Tk + "Custom MDEF" for menus - create Tcl script called from Prefs that creates links for the standard unix - locations for files that are in bin, include, man inside $(PD_FILE_ROOT) - redo menu system - the menus are the same for all windows - instead of hiding menus, grey-out/disable menu items on Pd window - one method for creating all menus - Pd window has method which disables menus - flash menu when accelerator hits - fix edit mode menu item (make it a checkbox or change to "play mode" - redo key mapping system - make Cmd-Delete also delete, as well as just Delete, so that my Finder key command habits work in Pd as well - make Cmd-click work like Ctrl-click - write script to convert from -DMACOSX to -D__APPLE__ where ever possible (check out __gnu_linux__ while I am at it) and submit to miller - instead of shipping Pd.app with a org.puredata.pd.plist, make a script that uses the "defaults" command to add the desired prefs to any existing file. (its a good idea, but unforunately, the key names prevent that from working, i.e. loadlib1, loadlib2, etc) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ semi-abandoned TODOs - make a web page that has stuff that can't be included due to license issues: (percolate)