- check out using TclTkBI package for all of the tcl deps. It should have all of the binaries necessary for extensions/gui/ix - research Tcl "auto_path" - make Pd open a new window when its launched to workaround the bug where the menus don't work until a window is opened. - otool dylib help: http://qin.laya.com/tech_coding_help/dylib_linking.html http://doc.trolltech.com/qq/qq09-mac-deployment.html Now that we have copied the Qt library into the bundle, we must update both the library and the executable so that they know where they can be found. This is where the install_name_tool command-line tool comes in handy. For the Qt library: install_name_tool \ -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/libqt.3.dylib \ demo.app/Contents/Frameworks/libqt.3.dylib otool -L oggcast~.pd_darwin | grep /sw/ | sed -n 's|.*/sw/lib/\(.*\.dylib\).*|\1|p' - from Carmen Rocco about [fiddle~] crash: "is fiddle~: * compiled with the same header * linked with the same binary of (lib)pd * compiled with the same compiler? i had very similar issues with bonk on windows (Virtually same stacktrace but s/fiddle/bonk) until fixing the above 3 things..." - review permissions so that you can build on top on existing builds (its the Frameworks) - add standard paths to included org.puredata.pd.plist following these guidelines: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFileSystem/Articles/WhereToPutFiles.html - Pd should then test to see if Jack is available before switching to it, otherwise it'll just crash. Here's apple's method of testing: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/mac/runtimehtml/RTArch-43.html - try this for the Pref Pane: kAEShowPreferences ::tk::mac::ShowPreferences - research Tk + "Custom MDEF" for menus - create Tcl script called from Prefs that creates links for the standard unix - redo menu system - the menus are the same for all windows - instead of hiding menus, grey-out/disable menu items on Pd window - one method for creating all menus - Pd window has method which disables menus - flash menu when accelerator hits - fix edit mode menu item (make it a checkbox or change to "play mode" - redo key mapping system - make Cmd-Delete also delete, as well as just Delete, so that my Finder key command habits work in Pd as well - make Cmd-click work like Ctrl-click - write script to convert from -DMACOSX to -D__APPLE__ where ever possible (check out __gnu_linux__ and WIN32 while I am at it) and submit to miller - instead of shipping Pd.app with a org.puredata.pd.plist, make a script that uses the "defaults" command to add the desired prefs to any existing file. (its a good idea, but unforunately, the key names prevent that from working, i.e. loadlib1, loadlib2, etc) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ semi-abandoned TODOs - make a web page that has stuff that can't be included due to license issues: (percolate)