- create old-style Help->Pure Documentation link on Help menu.  It should use a
  symlink to the "doc" dir internal to that particular Pd.app.  The symlink is
  named after the complete path to the "doc" dir, like:

- make Help menu generator recursive

- check up on zexy in packages/darwin_app/Makefile and
  externals/build/doc/makefile now that its been added to the build system

- follow AppMain.tcl instructions:

- try this for the Pref Pane:
 kAEShowPreferences ::tk::mac::ShowPreferences

- research Tcl "auto_path"

- research Tk + "Custom MDEF" for menus

- include auto-.pdrc script in package somewhere...

- make a web page that has stuff that can't be included due to license issues:

- create Tcl script called from Prefs that creates links for the standard unix
- locations for files that are in bin, include, man inside $(PD_FILE_ROOT)

- redo menu system
  		 - the menus are the same for all windows
		 - instead of hiding menus, grey-out/disable menu items on Pd window
		 - one method for creating all menus
		 - Pd window has method which disables menus

- make Cmd-Delete also delete, as well as just Delete, so that my Finder key
  command habits work in Pd as well

- make Cmd-H and Alt-Cmd-H work when the Alt key is spec'ed

- write sed script to set help-patch font size to 10 point from 12 point on
  all help patches.

- create --enable-cpu and --enable-arch in pd/src/configure.in

- create general optimization flag system

- convert from -DMACOSX to -D__APPLE__ where ever possible (check out
  __gnu_linux__) while I am at it

- add context to all patches