current: dmg # # Fetch the versions of the various included packages PD_MAJOR_VERSION = $(shell grep PD_MAJOR_VERSION ../pd/src/m_pd.h | cut -d ' ' -f 3) PD_MINOR_VERSION = $(shell grep PD_MINOR_VERSION ../pd/src/m_pd.h | cut -d ' ' -f 3) PD_VERSION = $(PD_MAJOR_VERSION).$(PD_MINOR_VERSION) CYCLONE_MAJOR_VERSION = $(shell grep CYCLONE_VERSION ../externals/miXed/cyclone/build_counter | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '"' -f 2) CYCLONE_RELEASE = $(shell grep CYCLONE_RELEASE ../externals/miXed/cyclone/build_counter | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '"' -f 2) CYCLONE_BUILD = $(shell grep CYCLONE_BUILD ../externals/miXed/cyclone/build_counter | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '"' -f 2) CYCLONE_VERSION = $(CYCLONE_MAJOR_VERSION) $(CYCLONE_RELEASE) $(CYCLONE_BUILD) ZEXY_VERSION = $(shell grep VERSION ../externals/zexy/src/zexy.h | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | cut -d '"' -f 2) # various files PACKAGE_VERSION = $(shell date +20%y.%m.%d) PACKAGE_PREFIX = Pure Data PACKAGE_NAME = $(PACKAGE_PREFIX) DMG_PREFIX = Pure Data Installer DMG_NAME = $(DMG_PREFIX) $(PD_VERSION)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION) WELCOME_FILE = Welcome.html INFO_FILE = $(PACKAGE_PREFIX).info clean: darwin_mpkg_clean darwin_mpkg_clean: -sudo rm -Rf installroot -sudo rm -Rf "$(DMG_PREFIX)"* -rm -f "$(WELCOME_FILE)" *.dmg *~ cd ../externals/build/darwin ; make darwin_pkg_clean cd ../externals/zexy/src ; make -f makefile.darwin darwin_pkg_clean cd ../externals/miXed/cyclone ; make darwin_pkg_clean cd ../doc/ ; make darwin_pkg_clean cd ../doc/pddp ; make darwin_pkg_clean darwin_mpkg_welcome: echo $(CYCLONE_RELEASE) -rm $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<HTML><BODY>" > $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<H2>Pure Data Installer $(PD_VERSION)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION)</H2>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<P>Pd is a free real-time computer music software package resembling Max. It provides a patchable environment for audio analysis, synthesis, and processing, with a rich set of multimedia capabilities. You can get Pd for Linux, Windows, MacOS X, BSD, or IRIX.</P>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<P>It is written by Miller S. Puckette with many other contributors.</P>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<P>For more information, go to:</P>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) # echo "<P>`grep -A9 ACKNOWLEDG ../pd/README.txt`</P>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<H3>Included Versions</H3>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) # echo "<P>The various versions of the included packages:</P>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<UL>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) # echo "<LI>pure data: $(PD_VERSION) " >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<LI>cyclone: $(CYCLONE_VERSION)" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<LI>pd-externals: `date +20%y.%m.%d`" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<LI>pd-doc: `date +20%y.%m.%d`" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<LI>pddp: `date +20%y.%m.%d`" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "<LI>zexy: $(ZEXY_VERSION)" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "</UL>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "(this package built on `date`) <BR>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) echo "</BODY></HTML>" >> $(WELCOME_FILE) darwin_mpkg: darwin_mpkg_welcome test -d installroot/Packages || mkdir -p installroot/Packages cd ../externals/build/darwin ; make darwin_pkg sudo cp -R ../externals/build/darwin/pd-externals*.pkg installroot/Packages cd ../externals/zexy/src ; make -f makefile.darwin darwin_pkg sudo cp -R ../externals/zexy/src/pd-zexy*.pkg installroot/Packages cd ../externals/miXed/cyclone ; make CC=gcc2 PD_DIR=../../../pd/src darwin_pkg sudo cp -R ../externals/miXed/cyclone/pd-cyclone*.pkg installroot/Packages cd ../doc/ ; make darwin_pkg sudo cp -R ../doc/pd-doc*.pkg installroot/Packages cd ../doc/pddp ; make darwin_pkg sudo cp -R ../doc/pddp/pd-pddp*.pkg installroot/Packages test -d "installroot/$(PACKAGE_NAME).mpkg/Contents/Resources" \ || mkdir -p "installroot/$(PACKAGE_NAME).mpkg/Contents/Resources" # generate pd.list cd installroot/Packages && /bin/ls -1d *.pkg \ | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\1\:Selected/' \ > "../$(PACKAGE_NAME).mpkg/Contents/Resources/$(PACKAGE_NAME).list" # generate .info file sed -e 's/PACKAGE_PREFIX/$(PACKAGE_PREFIX)/' \ | sed -e 's/PACKAGE_VERSION/$(PACKAGE_VERSION)/' \ | sed -e 's/PD_VERSION/$(PD_VERSION)/' \ > "installroot/$(PACKAGE_NAME).mpkg/Contents/Resources/$(INFO_FILE)" # generate Description.plist sed -e 's/PACKAGE_PREFIX/$(PACKAGE_PREFIX)/' Description.plist \ | sed -e 's/PACKAGE_VERSION/$(PACKAGE_VERSION)/' \ | sed -e 's/PD_VERSION/$(PD_VERSION)/' \ > "installroot/$(PACKAGE_NAME).mpkg/Contents/Resources/Description.plist" # generate Info.plist sed -e 's/PACKAGE_PREFIX/$(PACKAGE_PREFIX)/' Info.plist \ | sed -e 's/PACKAGE_VERSION/$(PACKAGE_VERSION)/' \ | sed -e 's/PD_VERSION/$(PD_VERSION)/' \ > "installroot/$(PACKAGE_NAME).mpkg/Contents/Info.plist" # install files install -m644 --group=staff $(WELCOME_FILE) \ "installroot/$(PACKAGE_NAME).mpkg/Contents/Resources/" sudo chmod -R u+w installroot sudo chmod -R a+r installroot sudo chmod -R go-w installroot sudo chgrp -R staff installroot dmg: darwin_mpkg_clean darwin_mpkg mv installroot "$(DMG_NAME)" /bin/sh mkdmg "$(DMG_NAME)"