# Created by Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans@eds.org> to generate MacOS X packages # This Makefile does not generate a PDDP pkg, PDDP has its own Makefile # # For info on making file types and icons, see: # http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20030728055235121&query=add+icon+file # current: darwin_pkg PACKAGE_VERSION = $(shell date +20%y.%m.%d) PACKAGE_PREFIX = pd-double-clickers PACKAGE_NAME = $(PACKAGE_PREFIX)-$(PACKAGE_VERSION) darwin_pkg_clean: -sudo rm -Rf installroot/ $(PACKAGE_PREFIX)*.pkg/ -rm -f $(PACKAGE_PREFIX)-*.info 1 License.html Welcome.???* # install into MSP's default: /usr/local/lib darwin_pkg: darwin_pkg_clean # set up installroot dir install -d "installroot/Applications/Pure Data.app/Contents/MacOS" install -m555 Pd.* "installroot/Applications/Pure Data.app/Contents/MacOS" install -m555 "Pure Data" "installroot/Applications/Pure Data.app/Contents/MacOS" install -m444 Info.plist "installroot/Applications/Pure Data.app/Contents" install -d "installroot/Applications/Pure Data.app/Contents/Resources" install -m444 *.icns "installroot/Applications/Pure Data.app/Contents/Resources" cp -f pd-double-clickers.info $(PACKAGE_NAME).info # delete cruft -find installroot -name .DS_Store -delete -find installroot -name CVS -delete -rm -f 1 # set proper permissions sudo chown -R root:staff installroot package installroot $(PACKAGE_NAME).info -d . -ignoreDSStore # install pkg docs # install -m 644 License.html $(PACKAGE_NAME).pkg/Contents/Resources sudo chown -R root:staff $(PACKAGE_NAME).pkg/Contents/Resources