To build everything and create an generic installer for linux, do this:

Download and run the script from CVS which will download all the sources from
anonymous CVS:


Now you will have all of the sources in a directory called "pure-data".  Next,
run these commands to build in the package:

    cd packages/linux_make
    make install

It will then compile and install everything into packages/linux_make/build.
The default installation prefix is "/usr/local".  Pd will need to be installed
into that directory in order for it to find all its externals and docs.  You
can compile everything to use a different prefix like this:

    make install prefix=/usr

After you have everything built, you can make a tarball with a generated
Makefile which will install and uninstall everything:

    make tarbz2

You can generate just the Makefile used for installation using:

    make installer_makefile