/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 IOhannes m zmölnig. forum::für::umläute. IEM. zmoelnig@iem.at * * map that stores "any"thing * * USAGE: * * Properties am; // create a new Properties * am["a"] = 42; // assign value "42" to key "a" * int i=0; * try { i=any_castam["a"]; } catch(bad_any_cast ex) { ; } // retrieve value from key "a"; might throw a bad_any_cast exception * am.get("a", i); // retrieve value at key "a"; if there was an error (e.g. typeof(i) does not match, then i is left untouched and "false" is returned * * NOTE: * this simplilstic approach has some problems with type-conversion * e.g. this will fail: * am["a"]=12.0f; any_castam["a"]; */ #ifndef GEM_PROPERTIES_H #define GEM_PROPERTIES_H #include "Utils/any.h" #include #include namespace gem { class Properties { private: class PIMPL; PIMPL*pimpl; public: enum PropertyType { UNSET=-1, /* not set, in-existant */ NONE, /* "bang" */ DOUBLE, /* double */ STRING, /* std::string */ UNKNOWN /* all the rest */ }; Properties(void); Properties(const gem::Properties&); /* copy constructor */ virtual ~Properties(void); #if 0 /* array/hashmap like access: * e.g.: prop["width"]=640; */ virtual gem::any&operator[](const std::string&key); #endif /* get the value of a property * e.g.: double w=any_castprop.at("width") */ virtual gem::any get(const std::string&key) const; /* check whether the given key exists * if the key was in the property-map, return the type of the property * if no key of the given value exists, return PropertyType::UNSET */ virtual enum PropertyType type(const std::string) const; /* set a property * e.g.: double w=640; prop.set("width", w); */ virtual void set(const std::string&key, gem::any value); /* get a property * e.g.: double w=320; prop.get("width", w); * NOTE: if no property of the given name exists or the existing property * is of a different (incompatible) type, "value" will not be changed */ template bool get(const std::string&key, Class&value) const { try { value=gem::any_cast(get(key)); } catch (gem::bad_any_cast e) { return false; } return true; }; /* get all keys */ virtual std::vectorkeys(void) const; /* * delete a given key from the Properties */ virtual void erase(const std::string); /* * delete all keys from the Properties */ virtual void clear(void); /* * assign Properties from another set */ virtual gem::Properties& assign(const gem::Properties&); gem::Properties& operator= (const gem::Properties&org) { return assign(org); } }; }; #endif /* GEM_PROPERTIES_H */