/*----------------------------------------------------------------- LOG GEM - Graphics Environment for Multimedia helper stuff for ports of Pete's Plugins http://www.petewarden.com Copyright (c) 2004-2011 IOhannes m zmölnig. forum::für::umläute. IEM. zmoelnig@iem.at For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "GEM.LICENSE.TERMS" in this distribution. -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _INCLUDE__GEM_UTILS_PIXPETE_H_ #define _INCLUDE__GEM_UTILS_PIXPETE_H_ #include // utility functions from PeteHelpers.h #ifndef _MSC_VER # include typedef uint32_t U32; typedef uint16_t U16; typedef uint8_t U8; #else typedef unsigned long U32; typedef unsigned short U16; typedef unsigned char U8; #endif /* is this only on my system ? i thought Gem's YUV is UYVY and not YVYU seems weird... (jmz) */ #ifdef __APPLE__ # define SHIFT_ALPHA (24) # define SHIFT_RED (16) # define SHIFT_GREEN (8) # define SHIFT_BLUE (0) # define SHIFT_U (24) # define SHIFT_Y1 (16) # define SHIFT_V (8) # define SHIFT_Y2 (0) #else # define SHIFT_ALPHA (24) # define SHIFT_RED (16) # define SHIFT_GREEN (8) # define SHIFT_BLUE (0) # define SHIFT_U (0) # define SHIFT_Y1 (8) # define SHIFT_V (16) # define SHIFT_Y2 (24) #endif const float Pete_Pi=3.141582f; const float Pete_TwoPi=(2.0f*Pete_Pi); const float Pete_HalfPi=(0.5f*Pete_Pi); static inline void Pete_ZeroMemory(void* pMemory,int nCount) { char* pCurrent=(char*)pMemory; char* pEnd=(pCurrent+nCount); // while (pCurrent=pBufferStart) { *((PETE_PIXELDATA32*)pBuffer32Current)= *((PETE_PIXELDATA24*)pBuffer24Current); pBuffer32Current-=SIZEOF_PETE_PIXELDATA32; pBuffer24Current-=SIZEOF_PETE_PIXELDATA24; } } static inline void Pete_CopyAndConvert16Bit565To32Bit(PETE_PIXELDATA16* pSource,PETE_PIXELDATA32* pOutput,int nPixelCount) { char* pSourceEnd=((char*)pSource)+(nPixelCount*SIZEOF_PETE_PIXELDATA16); char* pCurrentSource=((char*)pSource); char* pCurrentOutput=((char*)pOutput); while (pCurrentSource>11)&31; const int nMaskedGreen=(SourceColour>>5)&63; const int nMaskedBlue=(SourceColour>>0)&31; const int nNormalizedRed=(nMaskedRed<<3)|(nMaskedRed>>2); const int nNormalizedGreen=(nMaskedGreen<<2)|(nMaskedGreen>>4); const int nNormalizedBlue=(nMaskedBlue<<3)|(nMaskedBlue>>2); const PETE_PIXELDATA32 OutputColour= (nNormalizedRed<<16)| (nNormalizedGreen<<8)| (nNormalizedBlue<<0); *((PETE_PIXELDATA32*)pCurrentOutput)=OutputColour; pCurrentSource+=SIZEOF_PETE_PIXELDATA16; pCurrentOutput+=SIZEOF_PETE_PIXELDATA32; } } static inline void Pete_CopyAndConvert32BitTo16Bit565(PETE_PIXELDATA32* pSource,PETE_PIXELDATA16* pOutput,int nPixelCount) { char* pSourceEnd=((char*)pSource)+(nPixelCount*SIZEOF_PETE_PIXELDATA32); char* pCurrentSource=((char*)pSource); char* pCurrentOutput=((char*)pOutput); while (pCurrentSource>16)&0xff; const int nSourceGreen=(SourceColour>>8)&0xff; const int nSourceBlue=(SourceColour>>0)&0xff; const int nMaskedRed=(nSourceRed>>3); const int nMaskedGreen=(nSourceGreen>>2); const int nMaskedBlue=(nSourceBlue>>3); PETE_PIXELDATA16 OutputColour= (nMaskedRed<<11)| (nMaskedGreen<<5)| (nMaskedBlue<<0); *((PETE_PIXELDATA16*)pCurrentOutput)=OutputColour; pCurrentSource+=SIZEOF_PETE_PIXELDATA32; pCurrentOutput+=SIZEOF_PETE_PIXELDATA16; } } typedef void* SPete_MemHandle; inline SPete_MemHandle Pete_NewHandle(int nBytesToAlloc) { return malloc(nBytesToAlloc); } inline void Pete_FreeHandle(SPete_MemHandle InHandle) { free(InHandle); } inline void* Pete_LockHandle(SPete_MemHandle InHandle) { return InHandle; } inline void Pete_UnLockHandle(SPete_MemHandle InHandle) { // do nothing } const int cnBiggestSignedInt=0x7fffffff; inline int GetLuminance(const U32 inColour) { const int nRed=(inColour&(0xff<>16; const int nGreen=(inColour&(0xff<>8; const int nBlue=(inColour&(0xff<>0; const int nLuminance = ((77 * nRed)+ (150* nGreen)+ // used to be 50 which is plain wrong (29 * nBlue)); return nLuminance; } #endif /* _INCLUDE__GEM_UTILS_PIXPETE_H_ */ // end of PeteHelpers.h stuff