#N canvas 142 0 627 488 10; #X msg 110 73 gemList; #X text 121 50 GEM object; #X msg 110 219 gemList; #X text 181 74 partList; #X text 180 222 partList; #X msg 166 132 domain; #X text 48 337 <domain>: one of "point" \, "line" \, "triangle" \, "plane" \, "box" \, "sphere" \, "cylinder" \, "cone" \, "blob" \, "disc" \, "rectangle"; #X msg 222 164 <arguments>; #X text 49 401 <arguments>: up to 9 floats \, defining the specified domain (like "x y z" for "point" \, "x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2" for "line" \, "x y z r" for "sphere" \, ...). The meaning of the arguments depends -of course- on the domain.; #X obj 110 190 part_sink; #X msg 169 101 kill 1/0; #X text 132 16 [part_sink]; #X text 53 245 [part_sink] sets up a sink for the particles within the system \, where they will vanish. You can set the sink-domain (shape) and the corresponding arguments.; #X obj 269 199 part_sink <domain> [<arguments>...]; #X text 56 297 you can turn on/off the killing of particles (default==off) ; #X connect 0 0 9 0; #X connect 5 0 9 1; #X connect 7 0 9 2; #X connect 9 0 2 0; #X connect 10 0 9 0;