Check this webpage for more build instructions: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Software Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MinGW MinGW provides a free, complete build environment for Pd. Inno Setup - This package is assembled using Inno Setup, check pd.iss for details. ogg vorbis win32k SDK - Install into C:\ to make it work with the current Makefile Tcl/Tk Compile for MinGW. pthreads - pthreads is a standard, cross-platform threading library used in the pd core and externals. You can use the version included with Pd. MinGW/gcc Pd is free software, and can be compiled using free tools. MinGW is the preferred way of compiling Pd on Windows. Microsoft Visual Studio - You can use MS Visual Studio 6.0 or better to compile Pd and some ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MinGW Makefile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since MinGW is the default build system, the file called "Makefile" is the MinGW Makefile. TO compile: cd packages/win32_inno && make ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Microsoft Visual Studio Makefile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You will need to do this to compile: nmake /f Makefile.nmake Currently, the Makefile.nmake only compiles the 'externals' collection. It can also compile flext if you manually check the flext config and uncomment things from the Makefile.nmake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Layout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This directory is for files that are used in the creation of the Windows installer. In order to use this to compile/assemble Pd and externals. +-| +-abstractions | +-packages-| | +-win32_inno-| | +-noncvs-| | +-extra | +-doc-| | +-5.reference | +-doc-| | +-additional | +-pddp | +-tutorials | +-externals-| | +-... | +-ext13 | +-ggee | +-maxlib | +-unauthorized | +-zexy | +-... | +-pd-| +-src +-doc +-etc... The recommended way to do this is (these are probably somewhat wrong): mkdir pure-data && cd pure-data setenv CVSROOT unzip pd source cvs checkout packages cvs checkout doc cvs checkout externals cd packages/win32_inno make clean && make ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ non-CVS binaries ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Binary Sources I Used (I haven't tested them all, I just downloaded them): cyclone: freeverb~: iemlibs: maxlib: OSC: percolate: toxy: xeq: zexy: all of T.Grill's code: -Hans-Christoph Steiner