Check this webpage for full build instructions:

Software Requirements

	 MinGW provides a free, complete build environment for Pd.

Inno Setup -
	 This package is assembled using Inno Setup, check pd.iss for details.

ogg vorbis win32k SDK - 
	 Install into C:\ to make it work with the current Makefile

	 Compile for MinGW.

pthreads -
	 pthreads is a standard, cross-platform threading library used in the pd 
	 core and externals.  You can use the version included with Pd.

	 Pd is free software, and can be compiled using free tools.  MinGW is the
	 preferred way of compiling Pd on Windows.

Microsoft Visual Studio - 
	 You can use MS Visual Studio 6.0 or better to compile Pd and some

Microsoft Visual Studio Makefile

You will need to do this to compile:

nmake /f Makefile.nmake

Currently, the Makefile.nmake only compiles the 'externals' collection.  It
can also compile flext if you manually check the flext config and uncomment
things from the Makefile.nmake.

Directory Layout

This directory is for files that are used in the creation of the Windows
installer.  In order to use this to compile/assemble Pd and externals.
The recommended way to get all this source is:

-Hans-Christoph Steiner <>