Quick compilation instructions for Linux or Mac OSX: There are two parallel build systems: the "old" one by Miller and the "new" one by Hans. Old build system: on Macintosh or linux, Change to "src" subdirectory. Type "./configure", possibly adding flags as follows: To put Pd in /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin, add "--prefix=/bin". To enable jack support: "--enable-jack" Then type "make"; and. if desired, as superuser type "make install". To run pd, either type the full pathname as in /home/me/pd/bin/pd, or else if you've chosen "make install", just type "pd". New build system: in this directory, type "./autogen.sh", then "./configure"; then "make". Special instructions for Microsoft Windows: to use the old build system, install the Microsoft C compiler, cd to src and type "make -f makefile.nt". Then CD to the various subdirs of extra and type "make nt" in each. For the new build system, install cygwin and follow instructions as in linux or Macintosh.