#N canvas 255 248 675 539 12; #X text 406 511 updated for Pd version 0.34; #X obj 39 232 receive; #X obj 39 203 send; #X obj 39 289 pack; #X obj 111 233 r; #X obj 82 203 s; #X obj 40 348 timer; #X obj 40 60 float; #X obj 39 175 select; #X obj 40 89 +; #X obj 40 117 >=; #X obj 39 146 print; #X obj 39 260 trigger; #X obj 95 61 f; #X obj 100 176 sel; #X obj 111 259 t; #X obj 39 318 unpack; #X obj 40 435 pipe; #X obj 40 377 delay; #X obj 40 406 metro; #X text 20 8 So far we've seen the following objects \, some of which have abbreviations. Right click on any one to get reference documentation: ; #X text 150 205 wireless message send; #X text 151 229 wireless message receive; #X text 145 175 test for two equal numbers; #X text 151 258 control message order and format; #X text 148 293 combine atoms (e.g. \, numbers) into a list; #X text 146 319 take a list apart into atoms; #X text 146 146 printout; #X text 147 90 arithmetic; #X text 75 89 (etc.); #X text 74 117 (etc.); #X text 145 117 comparison; #X text 145 60 store a number; #X text 145 348 measure elapsed time; #X text 145 379 pass a message after delay; #X text 145 437 multiple delay; #X text 143 409 repeated message; #X text 38 473 There are many others... you can see a complete list in INTRO.txt in the reference patches (../5.reference).;