#N canvas 47 52 679 466 12;
#X text 465 442 updated for Pd version 0.26;
#X text 35 28 You can use "qlist" or "textfile" objects for sequencing. Qlist is simpler to use than the (more versatile) textfile.;
#X obj 355 146 r receive1;
#X obj 441 146 r receive2;
#X msg 205 88 clear \, add receive1 1 \, add 1000 receive1 0 \, add receive2 2 \, add 1000 receive2 0 \, add receive1 3 \, bang;
#X obj 205 129 qlist;
#X floatatom 355 172;
#X floatatom 441 171;
#X text 23 210 The "add" messages add lines to the qlist \, so that it contains:;
#X text 155 238 receive1 1;
#X text 121 259 1000 receive1 0;
#X text 155 279 receive2 2;
#X text 120 299 1000 receive2 0;
#X text 155 317 receive1 3;
#X text 17 342 and the "bang" instructs qlist to play the sequence by sending messages to "receive" objects. MEssages starting with numbers request that amount of delay.;
#X text 16 391 If you have more than 5 lines or so wou will probably want to store them as a separate file and have qlist read it. You can also write files \, set tempo \, and single step... see the help patch for details.;
#X connect 2 0 6 0;
#X connect 3 0 7 0;
#X connect 4 0 5 0;