#N canvas 36 68 701 588 12; #X text 444 567 updated for Pd version 0.34; #X text 39 14 PART 1 REVIEW; #X obj 66 131 tabwrite~; #X obj 66 105 line~; #X obj 54 298 +; #X obj 66 79 +~; #X obj 66 209 cos~; #X obj 66 157 osc~; #X obj 66 183 phasor~; #X obj 54 324 pack; #X obj 52 536 r; #X obj 53 512 s; #X obj 54 433 inlet; #X obj 53 487 f; #X obj 53 461 t; #X obj 54 350 moses; #X obj 54 403 dbtorms; #X obj 97 376 mtof; #X obj 54 375 ftom; #X obj 105 433 outlet; #X obj 66 235 dac~; #X text 26 52 So far we've seen these audio ("tilde") objects:; #X text 123 104 -- ramp generator; #X text 157 131 -- sampler (which we've only used for graphing so far) ; #X text 111 157 -- a cosine wave oscillator; #X text 139 183 -- phase generator for making your own oscillator; #X text 112 209 -- cosine waveshape lookup; #X text 112 236 -- audio output ("digital/analog converter" -- a misnomer) ; #X text 31 266 ... and these "control" objects:; #X text 145 374 -- frequency to pitch conversion; #X text 126 403 -- decibel to amplitude conversion; #X text 167 434 -- input and output to a subpatch; #X text 90 462 ("trigger") -- message ordering and conversion; #X text 93 487 ("float") -- store a (floating point) number; #X text 90 513 ("send") -- wireless message sending; #X text 91 538 ("receive") ... and receiving; #X text 106 78 (etc.) -- arithmetic on audio signals; #X text 92 296 (etc.) -- arithmetic; #X text 99 323 -- combine two or more values in a single message; #X text 107 350 -- arithmetic "if";