#N struct template9b float x float y float w symbol s; #N struct template9a float x float y float a float b float c; #N canvas 387 17 573 330 12; #X text 319 276 updated for Pd version 0.39; #N canvas 1 11 363 341 data9 1; #X scalar template9b 222 157 26.3158 why? \;; #X scalar template9a 149 243 23 57.1429 32 \;; #X scalar template9a 84 80 100 20 32 \;; #X coords 0 341 1 340 0 0 0; #X restore 22 274 pd data9; #N canvas 48 362 604 524 template9a 0; #X obj 24 19 struct template9a float x float y float a float b float c; #X obj 31 380 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1; #X obj 31 402 t b b; #X obj 210 461 pointer; #X msg 60 430 traverse pd-data9 \, bang; #X obj 31 486 append template9a x y a b c; #X msg 31 462 50 50 30 20 40; #X obj 23 115 drawpolygon 0 1 0 10 0 a(0:100)(10:110) -5 a(0:100)(5:105) 0 a(0:100)(10:110) 5 a(0:100)(5:105); #X obj 25 287 drawcurve 0 1 0 -2 0 3 5 3 5 -8 -13 -8 -13 21; #X obj 25 247 drawpolygon 0 1 10 0 c(0:100)(10:110) 0 c(0:100)(5:105) -5 c(0:100)(10:110) 0 c(0:100)(5:105) 5; #X obj 25 193 drawpolygon 0 1 7 7 b(0:100)(7:77) b(0:100)(7:77) b(0:100)(0:70) b(0:100)(7:77) b(0:100)(7:77) b(0:100)(7:77) b(0:100)(7:77) b(0:100)(0:70) ; #X text 23 50 'a' controls an arrow pointing upward. The main segment goes from (0.10) to (0 \, a+10). Then we hike 5 units down and left \, back to the point \, and then 5 units down and right.; #X text 28 154 Slightly more complicated construction to make an arrow at 45 degrees:; #X text 25 330 It's a good practice to put a small patch like this one in each template that you can use to make the first one (and will often find yourself wanting to use again later):; #X connect 1 0 2 0; #X connect 2 0 6 0; #X connect 2 1 4 0; #X connect 3 0 5 5; #X connect 4 0 3 0; #X connect 6 0 5 0; #X restore 21 224 pd template9a; #N canvas 353 371 688 314 template9b 0; #X obj 351 176 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1; #X obj 351 196 t b b; #X obj 567 254 pointer; #X msg 360 227 traverse pd-data9 \, bang; #X obj 24 19 struct template9b float x float y float w symbol s; #X obj 37 54 filledpolygon 900 0 1 w(0:100)(0:38) w(0:100)(0:92) w(0:100)(0:92) w(0:100)(0:38) w(0:100)(0:92) w(0:100)(0:-38) w(0:100)(0:38) w(0:100)(0:-92) w(0:100)(0:-38) w(0:100)(0:-92) w(0:100)(0:-92) w(0:100)(0:-38) w(0:100)(0:-92) w(0:100)(0:38) w(0:100)(0:-38) w(0:100)(0:92); #X msg 351 257 50 50 30; #X obj 352 281 append template9b x y w; #X obj 36 171 drawsymbol s w(0:100)(10:-90) 10 0; #X connect 0 0 1 0; #X connect 1 0 6 0; #X connect 1 1 3 0; #X connect 2 0 7 3; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 6 0 7 0; #X restore 21 248 pd template9b; #X text 35 7 Screen dimensions can be tailored to specific ranges by adding suffixes in the drawing instructions. For example \, in "template9a" \, a coordinate such as "b(0:100)(7:77)" instructs the drawpolygon object to rescale b from the range 0-100 to the range 7-77.; #X text 39 93 The application is to introduce an offset to a coordinate. For example \, the construction "a(0:100)(10:110)" just gives a+10. ; #X text 35 147 Each of the three arrows of template9a is controlled by a single parameter (a \, b \, or c) and the entire red octagon in template9b likewise.;