The "reference" section of the documentation should contain a patch demonstrating how to use each of Pd's classes. As of version 0.29, a complete list of "object" classes follows. Not included in this list are messages, atoms, graphs, etc. which aren't typed into object boxes but come straight off the "add" menu. ---------------------------- GLUE -------------------------------- bang - output a bang message float - store and recall a number symbol - store and recall a symbol int - store and recall an integer send - send a message to a named object receive - catch "sent" messages select - test for matching numbers or symbols route - route messages according to first element pack - make compound messages unpack - get elements of compound messages trigger - sequence and convert messagess spigot - interruptible message connection moses - part a numeric stream until - looping mechanism print - print out messages makefilename - format a symbol with a variable field change - remove repeated numbers from a stream swap - swap two numbers value - shared numeric value ------------------------------ TIME ---------------------------------- delay - send a message after a time delay metro - send a message periodically line - send a series of linearly stepped numbers timer - measure time intervals cputime - measure CPU time realtime -measure real time pipe - dynamically growable delay line for numbers ------------------------------ MATH ---------------------------------- + - * / pow arithmetic == != > < >= <= relational tests & && | || % bit twiddling mtof ftom powtodb rmstodb dbtopow dbtorms convert acoustical units mod div sin cos tan atan atan2 sqrt log exp abs higher math random lower math max min greater or lesser of 2 numbers ------------------------------ MIDI ---------------------------------- notein ctlin pgmin bendin touchin polytouchin midiin sysexin - MIDI input noteout ctlout pgmout bendout touchout polytouchout midiout - MIDI output makenote - schedule a delayed "note off" message corresponding to a note-on stripnote - strip "note off" messages ------------------------------ TABLES---------------------------------- tabread - read a number from a table tabread4 - read a number from a table, with 4 point interpolation tabwrite - write a number to a table soundfiler - read and write tables to soundfiles ------------------------------ MISC ---------------------------------- loadbang - bang on load serial - serial device control for NT only netsend - send messages over the internet netreceive - receive them qlist - message sequencer textfile - file to message converter openpanel - "Open" dialog savepanel - "Save as" dialog bag - set of numbers poly - polyphonic voice allocation key, keyup - numeric key values from keyboard keyname - symbolic key name -------------------------- AUDIO MATH ---------------------------------- +~ -~ *~ /~ arithmetic on audio signals max~ min~ - maximum or minimum of 2 inputs clip~ - constrict signal to lie between two bounds q8_rsqrt~ - cheap reciprocal square root (beware -- 8 bits!) q8_sqrt~ - cheap square root (beware -- 8 bits!) wrap~ - wraparound (fractional part, sort of) fft~ - complex forward discrete Fourier transform ifft~ - complex inverse discrete Fourier transform rfft~ - real forward discrete Fourier transform rifft~ - real inverse discrete Fourier transform framp~ - output a ramp for each block mtof~, ftom~, rmstodb~, dbtorms~, rmstopow~, powtorms~ - acoustic conversions -------------------------- AUDIO GLUE ---------------------------------- dac~ - audio output adc~ - audio input sig~ - convert numbers to audio signals line~ - generate audio ramps threshold~ detect signal thresholds snapshot~ - sample a signal (convert it back to a number) bang~ - send a bang message after each DSP block samplerate~ get the sample rate send~ - nonlocal signal connection with fanout receive~ - get signal from send~ throw~ - add to a summing bus catch~ - define and read a summing bus block~ - specify block size and overlap switch~ - switch DSP computation on and off readsf~ - soundfile playback from disk (UNIX only.) writesf~ - record sound to disk (UNIX only.) -------------------- AUDIO OSCILLATORS AND TABLES ------------------------ phasor~ - sawtooth oscillator cos~ - cosine osc~ - cosine oscillator tabwrite~ - write to a table tabplay~ - play back from a table (non-transposing) tabread~ - non-interpolating table read tabread4~ - four-point interpolating table read tabsend~ - write one block continuously to a table tabreceive~ read one block continuously from a table -------------------- AUDIO FILTERS ------------------------ vcf~ - voltage controlled filter noise~ - white noise generator env~ - envelope follower hip~ - high pass filter lop~ - low pass filter bp~ - band pass filter biquad~ - raw filter samphold~ - sample and hold unit print~ - print out one or more "blocks" -------------------- AUDIO DELAY ------------------------ delwrite~ - write to a delay line delread~ - read from a delay line vd~ - read from a delay line at a variable delay time ------------------------------ SUBWINDOWS ---------------------------------- pd - define a subwindow inlet - add an inlet to a pd outlet - add an outlet to a pd table - array of numbers in a subwindow ------------------------------ DATA TEMPLATES ----------------------------- template - define the fields in a template drawcurve, filledcurve - draw a curve drawpolygon, filledpolygon - draw a polygon plot - plot an array field drawnumber - print a numeric value ------------------------------ ACCESSING DATA ---------------------------- pointer - point to an object belonging to a template get - get numeric fields set - change numeric fields element - get an array element getsize - get the size of an array setsize - change the size of an array append - add an element to a list sublist - get a pointer into a list which is an element of another scalar scalar - draw a scalar on parent ------------------------------ OBSOLETE ---------------------------- scope~ (use tabwrite~ now) namecanvas