HOW TO MOVE A GUI-OBJECT: Of course by mouse, and: select a gui-object , then navigate the object by using the 4 direction-keys: UP , DOWN , LEFT or RIGHT. If you press the SHIFT-Key too , the object will move 10 times faster. PROPERTIES-DIALOG-WINDOW: "dimensions(pix): size:" = square-size of the gui-objects in pixels. "dimensions(pix)(pix): width: height:" = width & height of the rectangular gui-object in pixels. "selectable dimensions(pix): size:" = square-size of the selectable top-left corner of my_canvas in pixels. "flash-time(ms)(ms): hold:" = flash-hold-time in msec = duration of activity, if a bang-object was activated by any message-event or by a mouse-click. "flash-time(ms)(ms): intrrpt:" = flash-interrupt-time in msec = duration of inactivity , if an already activated bang is activated once more. "output-range: left: right:" = hslider-bounds for input- as well as output-values. "output-range: bottom: top:" = vslider-bounds for input- as well as output-values. "non-zero-value: value:" = toggle has 2 value-states: zero and this value. "visible_rectangle(pix)(pix): width: height:" = width & height of a visible, deactivated rectangle in pixels. "init" or "no init" = if "init"-mode is selected , the object gets a loadbang- behavior and puts out its in-patch-saved value. if "no init"-mode is selected, nothing will happen. "new&old" or "new-only" = the hdial- and vdial-object changes its state in 2 ways: "new&old"-mode: output sends previous state off, current state on; "new-only"-mode: output sends only current state on. "lin" or "log" = sliders and numberboxes can have linear or logarithmical scaling. "number:" = number of buttons of hdials and vdials. "log-height:" = is the graphical height of the numberbox in logarithmical mode. "steady on click" or "jump on click" = the 2 slider-objects react to mouse-click in 2 ways: "steady on click"-mode: slider-knob stays in position, mouse and knob will move parallel; "jump on click"-mode: slider-knob jumps immediately to new mouse-position, positions of mouse and knob will be identical. "send-symbol:" = an output-message can be received by a receive-object with the same send-symbol-name. "receive-symbol:" = a send-object with the same symbol-name can send an input-message to the gui-object. "label: name:" = visible name of a gui-object; it will be moved together with the gui-object. "label: x_off: y_off:" = coordinates of the label in relation to top-left corner of gui-object. "label: font: fontsize:" = font-properties of label. "colors:" = a click on radiobuttons "backgd:", "front:" or "label:" routes the button "compose color" and/or the preset-colors to background- front- and label-color. the 2 fields with "testlabel" and "o=||=o" will show you the 3 colors. "compose color" opens a tcl/tk color-dialog. "Cancel" quits the properties-dialog without sending down the last changings in dialogbox. "Apply" sends down the changings. "OK" sends down the changings and quits the dialogbox. THE DOLLAR-THING: If you want to send to, or to receive from gui-objects, you have to write into the property-entry your send- or receive-name. If you want an unique-name, write $0 or $0-blabla, if you want to communicate with this gui-object in an abstraction, write $1 or $1-blabla or $2 or $2-blabla in your property-entry. (send- , receive- or label- name) A new feature is: you can take the same send- and receive-name. If there is a send-name, the object will loose its output-rectangle, if there is a receive-name, the object will loose its input-rectangle; but the connective behavior is the same. GUI-MESSAGES: all gui-objects (bng, hsl, vsl, nbx, tgl, hdl, vdl, cnv and vu) understand input-messages which change their properties. except cnv has no input, so you have to send messages to its receive-label (edit properties). "size 15 128" = change width & height of sliders and vu in pixels. "size 15" = change square-size of rdb, bng and tgl in pixels. "vis_size 800 600" = change width & height of visual rectangle of my_canvas in pixels. "range 0.1 10.0" = change slider-boundaries for input- as well as output-values. "nonzero 127.0" = change the nonzero-value of toggle. "flashtime 50 600" = change flash-interrupt- and flash-hold-time of bng-object. "pos 150 170" = change the x-y-position of the top-left corner of a gui-object in pixels; "pos 0 0" is the top-left corner of your window; the positive directions of x- and y-axes are right and down. "delta 15 17" = move the gui-object in relation to its current position (in pixels). "color 0 22 22" = change background-, front- and label-color of object with one of 30 presets. "color 0 22" = change background- and label-color of vu and my_canvas with one of 30 presets. "color -16777216 (-1) -1" = change background-, (front-) and label-color of object with RGB-values. the RGB-value will be calculated: -65536*RED-value (0 .. 255) - 256*GREEN-value (0 .. 255) - BLUE-value (0 .. 255) - 1. "number 10" = change number of dial-buttons. "log_height 128" = graphical dimension for logarithmical behavior of numberbox. "steady 1" change slider-knob-behaviour on mouse-click. "single_change" change dial-behaviour to output only the new state. "double_change" change dial-behaviour to first release the previous button, then output the state of the new button. "send fromgui" = change send-name of gui-objects, except vu and cnv. "receive togui" = change receive-name of object. "label its_me" = change label-text of object. "label_pos 20 8" = change offset-coordinates of label-text. "label_font 0 10" = change font and fontsize of label-text. "init 1" = change initial loadbang-mode of gui-objects except vu and cnv. "set 64" = change only the inner state and display of gui-objects, except bng and cnv; no output will result. "lin" = change scale-mode of slider to linear. "log" = change scale-mode of slider to logarithmical. "get_pos" = if my_canvas has a receive-name and a send-name and you send the message "get_pos" to it, you receive the current x- and y-coordinates.