#N canvas 330 8 595 450 12; #X text 15 344 see also:; #N canvas 164 72 425 146 help-append-template1 0; #X obj 60 21 template float x float y float z; #X obj 18 81 filledpolygon z z 0 0 0 20 0 20 30 0 30; #X restore 357 373 pd help-append-template1; #X obj 141 393 template; #X obj 16 368 get; #X obj 48 368 set; #X obj 148 368 getsize; #X obj 215 368 setsize; #X obj 218 393 element; #X obj 15 394 sublist; #X obj 83 393 scalar; #N canvas 0 0 276 163 help-append-data 1; #X restore 357 351 pd help-append-data; #X obj 212 255 pointer; #X obj 21 10 append; #X text 75 9 -- add item to a list; #X msg 212 231 traverse pd-help-append-data \, bang; #X obj 34 295 append help-append-template1 x y z; #X floatatom 34 246 5 0 0; #X obj 34 266 t f f; #X msg 356 311 \; pd-help-append-data clear; #X text 27 28 "append" maintains a pointer to a scalar \, or else an empty pointer to the head of a list. You may set the pointer using the leftmost inlet. The creation arguments specify the template of a new scalar to append \, and the names of the fields (there should be at least one) you will wish to initialize. To append an object \, send a number to the leftmost inlet. "Append"'s pointer is updated to point to the new scalar \, and the new pointer is also output.; #X text 28 149 To insert to the beginning of a list \, you can append to the "head" of the list. You may append objects of different templates using different "append" objects.; #X obj 81 368 pointer; #X text 341 408 updated for Pd version 0.35; #X text 34 226 click this first->; #X text 230 210 go to (and output) "head" of the list; #X connect 11 0 15 3; #X connect 14 0 11 0; #X connect 16 0 17 0; #X connect 17 0 15 0; #X connect 17 1 15 1; #X connect 17 1 15 2;