#N canvas 103 177 618 583 12;
#X declare;
#X obj 48 10 declare;
#X text 120 11 - set environment for loading patch;
#X text 44 40 A declare object adds one or more directories to the
search path \, and/or pre-loads one or more libraries ("extensions")
to Pd in preparation for opening the patch from a file. Usage is "declare
[-flag value] [-flag value] ..." where the flag can be:;
#X text 31 182 -lib;
#X text 31 198 -stdlib;
#X text 31 146 -path;
#X text 31 162 -stdpath;
#X text 129 146 add to search path \, relative to the patch;
#X text 129 182 load a library \, relative to the patch;
#X text 129 199 load a library \, relative to Pd;
#X text 40 231 (for any of these you may use a full pathname such as
"/tmp/dir" or \, in Windows \, "C:/garbage" instead of a relative path).
#X text 39 293 For instance \, if you put abstractions and/or other
supporting files in a subdirectory "more" \, you can put an object
\, "declare -path more" to make sure Pd sees them when the patch is
loaded. Or \, if you have zexy installed in the directory extra/zexy
(in the Pd installation") you can get it using "declare -stdpath extra/zexy".
#X text 129 163 add to search path \, relative to Pd;
#X text 367 557 updated for Pd version 0.41;
#X text 42 395 WARNING: you might want to avoid putting "declare" statements
inside abstractions \, as their effects will extend to the calling
patch. As of version 0.41 \, "declare path" is ignored inside abstractions
\, although \, probably unwisely \, "-stdpath" takes effect (on the
calling patch as well as the abstraction.);
#X text 42 494 BUG: The name "-stdpath" is confusing \, as it has a
quite different effect from "-stdpath" on the pd command line.;