#N struct help-drawnumber-template float x float y float cat float
#N canvas 51 46 538 189 12;
#X text 15 103 see also:;
#X obj 18 7 drawnumber;
#X obj 187 132 plot;
#X obj 83 131 drawpolygon;
#X text 114 7 -- draw numeric fields from data structures;
#N canvas 14 10 297 129 help-drawnumber-data 1;
#X scalar help-drawnumber-template 50 100 23 43 \;;
#X scalar help-drawnumber-template 150 50 3.14 -1.618 \;;
#X restore 273 71 pd help-drawnumber-data;
#N canvas 528 70 575 505 help-drawnumber-template 1;
#X text 23 438 This object defines the fields for this template. Their
values are initialized in the "works" subwindow. You can see them by
right-clicking on the object in the "data" window and selecting "properties."
#X text 42 211 - RGB color (0=black \, 999=white \, 900=red \, 90=green
\, 9=blue \, 555=grey \, etc.);
#X text 19 316 When not in "edit" mode \, you can click and drag vertically
on the numbers to change their values. (In edit mode you can move \,
cut \, copy \, and paste the objects.);
#X text 21 365 Keyboard entry isn't supported yet.;
#X obj 25 56 drawnumber cat 0 0 0 cat=;
#X obj 260 57 drawnumber dog 0 -15 900 dog=;
#X text 42 243 - an optional label ("cat=" for instance);
#X text 27 85 drawnumber takes arguments specifying:;
#X text 42 191 - an (x \, y) pair giving relative coordinates \;;
#X text 42 171 - the number to draw;
#X text 44 24 "0" in inlet makes invisible;
#X obj 25 27 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1 0 1
#X text 46 112 - optional "-n" flag to make invisible initially;
#X text 44 133 - alternatively \, an optional "-v [variable]" flag
to assign a variable to make this visible/invisible.;
#X text 20 273 Any of these (except the two flags) can be numbers or
field names \, like "dog" and "cat" here.;
#X obj 13 397 struct help-drawnumber-template float x float y float
cat float dog;
#X connect 11 0 4 0;
#X restore 273 44 pd help-drawnumber-template;
#X obj 22 130 struct;
#X text 275 159 updated for Pd version 0.39;