#N canvas 23 20 429 272 12; #X msg 30 107 bang; #X obj 30 183 float 6.5; #X floatatom 30 209; #X floatatom 42 129; #X floatatom 88 153; #X obj 55 12 float; #X text 97 11 - STORE A (FLOATING POINT) NUMBER; #X text 12 36 The float object stores a number \, initialized by its creation argument \, which may be reset using its inlet and output by sending it the "bang" message. Sending a number sets a new value and outputs it.; #X text 77 103 outputs the value; #X text 74 130 sets and outputs the value; #X text 123 155 sets the value; #X text 108 184 creation argument initializes the value; #X text 223 242 updated for Pd version 0.3; #X connect 0 0 1 0; #X connect 1 0 2 0; #X connect 3 0 1 0; #X connect 4 0 1 1;