#N canvas 14 8 809 354 12; #X floatatom 19 86 0 0 0; #X msg 29 115 bang; #X floatatom 49 138 0 0 0; #X floatatom 188 138 0 0 0; #X obj 19 254 print; #X msg 86 138 symbol cat; #X obj 82 9 pack; #X text 28 319 See also; #X obj 106 321 unpack; #X text 14 34 The pack object takes a series of inputs and outputs a concatenated list. The number of creation arguments determines the number of inlets.; #X text 60 85 <-- number in first inlet generates output; #X text 70 114 <-- bang generates output without resetting first value ; #X text 226 135 <-- numbers and symbols in the corresponding inlets change the values without causing output (see "trigger" for a way to change this behavior.); #X text 250 187 <-- as with any Pd object \, you can send a list whose atoms are automatically distributed to the corresponding inlets.; #X msg 175 190 1 2 dog; #X obj 167 321 trigger; #X obj 19 227 pack 100 0 s 0; #X text 121 9 - combine several atoms into one message; #X text 155 226 <-- creation arguments specify the number of inlets and their types: a number make a numeric outlet (and initializes the value). A symbol argument can start with "s" \, "f" \, or "p" to specify a "symbol" \, "float" (number) \, or pointer outlet.; #X text 538 331 updated for Pd version 0.34; #X connect 0 0 16 0; #X connect 1 0 16 0; #X connect 2 0 16 1; #X connect 3 0 16 3; #X connect 5 0 16 2; #X connect 14 0 16 0; #X connect 16 0 4 0;