#N struct help-plot-template float x float y array array1 help-plot-array1-template array array2 help-plot-array2-template array array3 help-plot-array3-template ; #N struct help-plot-array1-template float y; #N struct help-plot-array2-template float x float y; #N struct help-plot-array3-template float y float w; #N canvas 398 0 516 229 12; #N canvas 89 309 626 539 help-plot-template 1; #X text 29 34 creation arguments:; #X text 48 71 - RGB color (0=black \, 999=white \, 900=red \, 90=green \, 9=blue \, 555=grey \, etc.); #X obj 24 387 template float x float y array array1 help-plot-array1-template array array2 help-plot-array2-template array array3 help-plot-array3-template ; #X text 47 52 - OPTIONAL word "curve" to specify bezier; #X text 46 98 - line width; #X text 46 114 - relative x and y location; #X text 47 130 - x spacing; #X obj 39 217 plot curve array2 70 3 100 0; #X obj 30 308 plot curve array3 9 1 120 50 20; #X obj 45 12 plot array1 500 1 10 15 20; #X text 29 147 This first example plots the red trace (500) \, width 1 \, at point (10 \, 15) \, with horizontal spacing 20 The black diamonds come from the template of the array1 element itself.; #X text 62 239 This is the green spiral (color 70 \, line width 3 \, location (100 \, 0). Since the template for array2 contains an "x" cariable \, play ignores x spacing requests and takes x from the data itself.; #X text 50 328 If a "w" variable is present in the template as for array3 \, it is added to the line width.; #X text 33 366 here's the template for all this:; #X obj 27 501 filledpolygon 509 509 0 -10 -10 10 -10 10 10 -10 10; #X text 27 454 To see the data itself \, select "properties" for the scalar by right clicking on the purple square.; #X restore 243 78 pd help-plot-template; #N canvas 196 292 273 120 help-plot-array1-template 0; #X obj 30 71 filledpolygon 0 0 0 -5 0 0 5 5 0 0 -5; #X obj 32 27 template float y; #X restore 242 101 pd help-plot-array1-template; #N canvas 161 163 273 120 help-plot-array2-template 0; #X obj 32 26 template float x float y; #X restore 243 123 pd help-plot-array2-template; #N canvas 0 0 411 207 help-plot-data 1; #X scalar help-plot-template 39 73 \; 0 \; 20 \; 0 \; 30 \; 0 \; \; 0 0 \; 0 10 \; 20 0 \; 0 -30 \; -40 0 \; 0 50 \; 60 0 \; \; 0 0 \; 10 10 \; 0 10 \; 0 1 \; 20 1 \; 20 10 \; 20 1 \; \;; #X restore 242 57 pd help-plot-data; #X text 23 139 see also:; #X obj 30 184 drawnumber; #X obj 29 163 template; #X obj 35 22 plot; #X text 87 21 -- draw array elements of scalars; #X obj 29 206 drawpolygon; #N canvas 161 163 273 120 help-plot-array3-template 0; #X obj 43 32 template float y float w; #X restore 242 144 pd help-plot-array3-template; #X text 8 79 explanation is in here-->; #X text 264 203 updated for Pd version 0.35;