#N canvas 218 166 619 368 12; #X msg 382 133 \; metro 0; #X text 462 92 <-Click to start; #X text 455 137 <-Click to stop; #X text 47 13 switch and block - turn DSP on and off for subpatches and control block size; #N canvas 15 32 598 301 switched 1; #X obj 265 148 switch~; #X floatatom 265 121 1 0 0; #X floatatom 75 168 4 0 0; #X obj 75 104 noise~; #X obj 75 136 env~ 512; #X text 25 26 DSP in this subwindow is turned on and off by the switch~ object. Any subwindows of this window can also be switched off here. If a patch and a superpatch both have switches \, both must be "on" for DSP to run in the patch.; #X text 32 203 switch~ takes optional arguments the same as block~. If you supply arguments to switch \, the patch will be switched AND reblocked.; #X text 31 258 Only one switch~ or block~ may appear in any window. ; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 4 0 2 0; #X restore 139 124 pd switched; #N canvas 13 421 564 200 blocked 1; #X obj 184 35 block~ 1024 4; #X text 14 76 This object specified that DSP in this subwindow is to be computed at a block size of 1024 \, and an overlap of 4 \, i.e. \, every 256 samples. You may not (yet) specify a block size smaller than your superpatch. This is useful for writing FFT based patches (see the "fft examples" tutorial series.); #X restore 141 158 pd blocked; #X msg 382 87 \; pd dsp 1; #X obj 382 61 loadbang; #X text 38 82 see the subpatches for explanation:; #X text 362 334 updated for Pd version 0.34; #X text 34 195 BUG! -- dac~ and adc~ work only with a blocksize of 64 If you want to reblock audio computation \, do so in a sub-patch and keep the adc~ and dac~ objects in a super-patch. Also \, you can't send~ or receive~ between windows with different block sizes or overlapping. Only the inlet~ and outlet~ objects know how to reblock signals. In this example \, you could put a dac~ in this \, outer window \, or in the switched subwindow \, but not the blocked one.; #X connect 7 0 6 0;