#N canvas 44 17 653 456 12; #X obj 31 27 tabwrite; #X floatatom 9 176 0 0 0; #X obj 9 282 tabwrite array99; #X text 113 28 write numbers to a table; #X graph graph1 0 0 10 10 355 389 605 189; #X array array99 10 float; #X pop; #X msg 9 53 \; readout 1 \; array99 resize 10 \; array99 bounds 0 0 10 10 \; array99 xlabel -0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 \; array99 ylabel -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 \; array99 0 1 4 2 8 5 6 1 4 2 8; #X text 406 94 click here to initialize; #X floatatom 146 257 0 0 0; #X text 158 279 creation argument; #X text 160 297 is array name; #X text 46 174 set y value; #X text 44 239 right inlet selects x value; #X msg 25 204 set array99; #X text 133 203 change array name; #X text 389 423 updated for Pd version 0.33; #X connect 1 0 2 0; #X connect 7 0 2 1; #X connect 12 0 2 0;