#N canvas 159 22 645 442 12;
#X obj 12 12 tabwrite~;
#X msg 47 210 bang;
#X obj 28 318 tabwrite~ array99;
#N canvas 0 0 450 300 (subpatch) 0;
#X array array99 1000 float 0;
#X coords 0 1 999 -1 200 100 1;
#X restore 414 207 graph;
#X text 190 318 creation argument initializes array name;
#X msg 45 288 set array99;
#X msg 555 13 \; pd dsp 1;
#X msg 555 51 \; pd dsp 0;
#X text 23 353 see also the "array" tutorial in section 2 of the Pd
documentation \, and these objects:;
#X obj 107 389 tabread;
#X obj 174 389 tabwrite;
#X obj 250 389 tabsend~;
#X obj 327 389 tabreceive~;
#X obj 22 389 tabread4~;
#X msg 48 260 stop;
#X text 153 261 stop recording;
#X msg 47 236 start 500;
#X text 147 236 start in middle of table;
#X text 370 420 updated for Pd version 0.40.;
#X text 104 12 - write a signal in an array;
#X obj 27 187 phasor~ 200;
#X text 148 209 start recording;
#X text 149 286 set destination array;
#X text 16 44 Tabwrite~ records an audio signal sequentially into an
array. Sending it "bang" writes from beginning to end of the array.
To avoid writing all the way to the end \, you can send a "stop message
at an appropriate later time. The "start" message allows skipping a
number of samples at the nbeginning. (Starting and stopping occur on
block boundaries \, typically multiples of 64 samples \, in the input
#X connect 1 0 2 0;
#X connect 5 0 2 0;
#X connect 14 0 2 0;
#X connect 16 0 2 0;
#X connect 20 0 2 0;