#N canvas 119 134 697 332 10; #X obj 31 27 tabwrite~; #X text 110 27 object to write a signal in an array; #X msg 43 131 bang; #X obj 23 211 tabwrite~ array99; #X graph graph1 0 -1 100 1 460 235 610 135; #X array array99 100 float; #X pop; #X obj 23 82 sig~ 3000; #X obj 23 110 phasor~; #X text 149 213 creation argument initializes array name; #X msg 40 181 set array99; #X msg 445 35 \; pd dsp 1; #X msg 524 37 \; pd dsp 0; #X text 85 133 bang to start recording; #X text 126 180 set the destination array; #X text 18 251 see also the "array" tutorial in section 2 of the Pd documentation \, and these objects:; #X obj 90 282 tabread; #X obj 149 282 tabwrite; #X obj 214 282 tabsend~; #X obj 279 282 tabreceive~; #X obj 17 282 tabread4~; #X msg 43 153 stop; #X text 85 154 stop recording; #X text 458 288 updated for Pd version 0.29; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 5 0 6 0; #X connect 6 0 3 0; #X connect 8 0 3 0; #X connect 19 0 3 0;