#N canvas 10 10 551 484 10; #X text 41 3 ABSTRACTIONS IN THIS DIRECTORY; #X text 117 22 sampler; #X text 117 36 gain control; #X text 117 50 ring mod; #X text 21 142 OTHER OBJECTS YOU WILL NEED; #X obj 21 171 dac~; #X text 54 173 output; #X text 21 156 audio:; #X obj 21 188 adc~; #X text 54 187 input; #X obj 21 205 +~; #X obj 45 205 -~; #X obj 21 222 *~; #X obj 45 222 /~; #X text 71 215 arithmetic; #X obj 28 280 bp~; #X text 56 278 bandpass filter; #X text 58 293 bandpass with "audio"; #X text 55 301 control for second input; #X obj 28 297 vcf~; #X obj 261 37 metro; #X text 294 40 repeated message; #X obj 253 157 float; #X text 292 156 store numbers; #X obj 252 398 random; #X text 298 397 random; #X obj 253 174 pack; #X text 292 170 combines numbers; #X obj 253 191 unpack; #X text 297 196 opposite; #X obj 253 208 trigger; #X text 302 215 control order of execution; #X text 261 22 TIME; #X obj 261 54 del; #X text 294 54 wait then bang; #X obj 261 71 timer; #X text 294 68 measure time intervals; #X text 278 142 GLUE; #X obj 253 225 select; #X text 302 229 test values; #X obj 253 259 moses; #X text 302 257 parting the waters; #X obj 253 242 route; #X text 302 243 heavy select; #X obj 252 415 line; #X text 291 412 control ramp generator; #X obj 23 324 delwrite~; #X obj 23 341 delread~; #X obj 23 359 vd~; #X text 84 323 declare a delay line; #X text 83 340 read a delay line; #X text 282 303 UNIT CONVERSION; #X obj 258 324 mtof; #X obj 287 324 ftom; #X obj 258 341 dbtorms; #X obj 305 341 rmstodb; #X obj 258 358 dbtopow; #X obj 305 358 powtodb; #X text 357 323 frequency to MIDI; #X text 355 339 db to amplitude; #X text 356 356 db to power; #N canvas 0 0 600 400 /SUBPATCH/ 0; #X restore 64 405 pd; #X text 100 404 subpatch; #X obj 64 422 inlet; #X obj 100 419 inlet~; #X obj 64 439 outlet; #X obj 105 436 outlet~; #X obj 28 246 hip~; #X text 55 245 high pass filter; #X obj 28 263 lop~; #X text 55 263 low pass filter; #X text 257 101 ARITHMETIC; #X text 117 64 control-to-signal; #X text 116 94 delay loop; #X text 116 108 variable delay loop; #X obj 41 36 qgain; #X obj 41 53 qring; #X obj 41 70 qslew; #X obj 41 89 qdelay; #X obj 41 18 qsample ...; #X obj 42 108 qvd ...; #X text 50 359 variable time delay read;