/*  Copyright 1997-1999 Miller Puckette (msp@ucsd.edu) and Ted Apel
(tapel@ucsd.edu). Permission is granted to use this software for any
noncommercial purpose. For commercial licensing please contact the UCSD
Technology Transfer Office.


#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef NT
#pragma warning (disable: 4305 4244)

#ifdef MSP

#include "ext.h"
#include "z_dsp.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "ext_support.h"
#include "ext_proto.h"

typedef double t_floatarg;      /* from m_pd.h */
#define flog log
#define fexp exp
#define fsqrt sqrt
#define t_resizebytes(a, b, c) t_resizebytes((char *)(a), (b), (c))

#define flog log
#define fexp exp
#define fsqrt sqrt

#define FILE_DIALOG 1   /* use dialogs to get file name */
#define FILE_NAMED 2    /* symbol specifies file name */

#define DUMTAB1SIZE 256
#define DUMTAB2SIZE 1024

static float rsqrt_exptab[DUMTAB1SIZE], rsqrt_mantissatab[DUMTAB2SIZE];

void *bonk_class;
#define getbytes t_getbytes
#define freebytes t_freebytes
#endif /* MSP */

#ifdef PD
#include "m_pd.h"
static t_class *bonk_class;

/* ------------------------ bonk~ ----------------------------- */

#define NPOINTS 256
#define DEFPERIOD 128
#define DEFHITHRESH 60
#define DEFLOTHRESH 50
#define DEFMASKDECAY 0.7
#define DEFMINVEL 7

typedef struct _filterkernel
    int k_npoints;
    float k_freq;
    float k_normalize;
    float *k_stuff;
} t_filterkernel;

#if 0   /* this is the design for 1.0: */
static t_filterkernel bonk_filterkernels[] =
    {{256, 2, .01562}, {256, 4, .01562}, {256, 6, .01562}, {180, 6, .02222},
    {128, 6, .01803}, {90, 6, .02222}, {64, 6, .02362}, {46, 6, .02773},
    {32, 6, .03227}, {22, 6, .03932}, {16, 6, .04489}};

    /* here's the 1.1 rev: */
static t_filterkernel bonk_filterkernels[] =
    {{256, 1, .01562, 0}, {256, 3, .01562, 0}, {256, 5, .01562, 0},
    {212, 6, .01886, 0}, {150, 6, .01885, 0}, {106, 6, .02179, 0},
    {76, 6, .0236, 0}, {54, 6, .02634, 0}, {38, 6, .03047, 0},
    {26, 6, .03667, 0}, {18, 6, .04458, 0}};

#define NFILTERS ((int)(sizeof(bonk_filterkernels)/ \

static float bonk_hanningwindow[NPOINTS];

typedef struct _hist
    float h_power;
    float h_mask;
    float h_before;
    int h_countup;
} t_hist;

typedef struct template
    float t_amp[NFILTERS];
} t_template;

typedef struct _insig
    t_hist g_hist[NFILTERS];    /* history for each filter */
#ifdef PD
    t_outlet *g_outlet;         /* outlet for raw data */
#ifdef MSP
    void *g_outlet;             /* outlet for raw data */
    float *g_inbuf;             /* buffered input samples */
    t_float *g_invec;           /* new input samples */
} t_insig;

typedef struct _bonk
#ifdef PD
    t_object x_obj;
    t_outlet *x_cookedout;
    t_clock *x_clock;
#endif /* PD */
#ifdef MSP
    t_pxobject x_obj;
    void *x_cookedout;
    void *x_clock;
    short x_vol;
#endif /* MSP */

    t_hist x_hist[NFILTERS];
    t_template *x_template;
    t_insig *x_insig;                   
    int x_ninsig;
    int x_ntemplate;
    int x_infill;
    int x_countdown;
    int x_period;
    int x_willattack;
    int x_debug;
    float x_hithresh;
    float x_lothresh;
    int x_masktime;
    float x_maskdecay;
    int x_learn;
    double x_learndebounce;     /* debounce time for "learn" mode */
    int x_learncount;           /* countup for "learn" mode */
    float x_debouncedecay;
    float x_minvel;             /* minimum velocity we output */
    float x_debouncevel;
} t_bonk;

#ifdef MSP
static void *bonk_new(int period, int bonk2);
void bonk_tick(t_bonk *x);
void bonk_doit(t_bonk *x);
static t_int *bonk_perform(t_int *w);
void bonk_dsp(t_bonk *x, t_signal **sp);
void bonk_assist(t_bonk *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s);
void bonk_thresh(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2);
void bonk_mask(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2);
void bonk_debounce(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1);
static void bonk_print(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f);
static void bonk_learn(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f);
void bonk_bang(t_bonk *x);
void bonk_setupkernels(void);
void bonk_free(t_bonk *x);
void bonk_setup(void);
void main();
float qrsqrt(float f);
static void bonk_write(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s);
static void bonk_read(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s);

double clock_getsystime();
double clock_gettimesince(double prevsystime);
static char *strcpy(char *s1, const char *s2);
static int ilog2(int n);

static void bonk_tick(t_bonk *x);

static void bonk_donew(t_bonk *x, int period, int nsig)
    int i, j;
    t_hist *h;
    float *fp;
    t_insig *g;
    for (j = 0, g = x->x_insig; j < nsig; j++, g++)
        for (i = 0, h = g->g_hist; i--; h++)
            h->h_power = h->h_mask = h->h_before = 0, h->h_countup = 0;
                /* we ought to check for failure to allocate memory here */
        g->g_inbuf = (float *)getbytes(NPOINTS * sizeof(float));
        for (i = NPOINTS, fp = g->g_inbuf; i--; fp++) *fp = 0;
    x->x_ninsig = nsig;
    x->x_template = (t_template *)getbytes(0);
    x->x_ntemplate = 0;
    x->x_infill = 0;
    x->x_countdown = 0;
    if (!period) period = NPOINTS/2;
    x->x_period = 1 << ilog2(period);
    x->x_willattack = 0;
    x->x_debug = 0;
    x->x_hithresh = DEFHITHRESH;
    x->x_lothresh = DEFLOTHRESH;
    x->x_masktime = DEFMASKTIME;
    x->x_maskdecay = DEFMASKDECAY;
    x->x_learn = 0;
    x->x_learndebounce = clock_getsystime();
    x->x_learncount = 0;
    x->x_debouncedecay = DEFDEBOUNCEDECAY;
    x->x_minvel = DEFMINVEL;
    x->x_debouncevel = 0;

static void bonk_print(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f);

static void bonk_dotick(t_bonk *x, int hit)
    t_atom at[NFILTERS], *ap, at2[3];
    int i, j, k, n;
    t_hist *h;
    float powerout[NFILTERS*MAXCHANNELS], *pp, vel = 0, temperature = 0;
    float *fp;
    t_template *tp;
    int nfit, ninsig = x->x_ninsig, ntemplate = x->x_ntemplate;
    t_insig *gp;
    int totalbins = NFILTERS * ninsig;
    x->x_willattack = 0;

    for (i = ninsig, pp = powerout, gp = x->x_insig; i--; gp++)
        for (j = 0, h = gp->g_hist; j < NFILTERS; j++, h++, pp++)
            float power = (hit ? h->h_mask - h->h_before : h->h_power);
            float intensity = *pp =
                (power > 0 ? 100. * qrsqrt(qrsqrt(power)) : 0);
            vel += intensity;
            temperature += intensity * (float)j;
    if (vel > 0) temperature /= vel;
    else temperature = 0;
    vel *= 0.5 / ninsig;        /* fudge factor */
    if (hit)
            /* if hit nonzero it's a clock callback.  if in "learn" mode update the
            template list; in any event match the hit to known templates. */

        if (vel < x->x_debouncevel)
            if (x->x_debug)
                post("bounce cancelled: vel %f debounce %f",
                    vel, x->x_debouncevel);
        if (vel < x->x_minvel)
            if (x->x_debug)
                post("low velocity cancelled: vel %f, minvel %f",
                    vel, x->x_minvel);
        x->x_debouncevel = vel;
        if (x->x_learn)
            double lasttime = x->x_learndebounce;
            double msec = clock_gettimesince(lasttime);
            if ((!ntemplate) || (msec > 200))
                int countup = x->x_learncount;
                    /* normalize to 100  */
                float norm;
                for (i = NFILTERS * ninsig, norm = 0, pp = powerout; i--; pp++)
                    norm += *pp * *pp;
                if (norm < 1.0e-15) norm = 1.0e-15;
                norm = 100.f * qrsqrt(norm);
                    /* check if this is the first strike for a new template */
                if (!countup)
                    int oldn = ntemplate;
                    x->x_ntemplate = ntemplate = oldn + ninsig;
                    x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
                        oldn * sizeof(x->x_template[0]),
                        ntemplate * sizeof(x->x_template[0]));
                    for (i = ninsig, pp = powerout; i--; oldn++)
                        for (j = NFILTERS, fp = x->x_template[oldn].t_amp; j--;
                            pp++, fp++)
                                *fp = *pp * norm;
                    int oldn = ntemplate - ninsig;
                    if (oldn < 0) post("bonk_tick bug");
                    for (i = ninsig, pp = powerout; i--; oldn++)
                        for (j = NFILTERS, fp = x->x_template[oldn].t_amp; j--;
                            pp++, fp++)
                                *fp = (countup * *fp + *pp * norm)
                                    /(countup + 1.0f);
                if (countup == x->x_learn) countup = 0;
                x->x_learncount = countup;
            else return;
        x->x_learndebounce = clock_getsystime();
        if (ntemplate)
            float bestfit = -1e30;
            int templatecount;
            nfit = -1;
            for (i = 0, templatecount = 0, tp = x->x_template; 
                templatecount < ntemplate; i++)
                float dotprod = 0;
                for (k = 0, pp = powerout;
                    k < ninsig && templatecount < ntemplate;
                        k++, tp++, templatecount++)
                    for (j = NFILTERS, fp = tp->t_amp;
                        j--; fp++, pp++)
                        if (*fp < 0 || *pp < 0) post("bonk_tick bug 2");
                            dotprod += *fp * *pp;
                if (dotprod > bestfit)
                    bestfit = dotprod;
                    nfit = i;
            if (nfit < 0) post("bonk_tick bug");
        else nfit = 0;
    else nfit = -1;     /* hit is zero; this is the "bang" method. */

    if (x->x_debug)
        post("bonk out: number %d, vel %f, temperature %f",
            nfit, vel, temperature);
    SETFLOAT(at2, nfit);
    SETFLOAT(at2+1, vel);
    SETFLOAT(at2+2, temperature);
    outlet_list(x->x_cookedout, 0, 3, at2);

    for (n = 0, gp = x->x_insig + (ninsig-1),
        pp = powerout + NFILTERS * (ninsig-1);
            n < ninsig; n++, gp--, pp -= NFILTERS)
        float *pp2;
        for (i = 0, ap = at, pp2 = pp; i < NFILTERS;
            i++, ap++, pp2++)
            ap->a_type = A_FLOAT;
            ap->a_w.w_float = *pp2;
        outlet_list(gp->g_outlet, 0, NFILTERS, at);

static void bonk_tick(t_bonk *x)
    bonk_dotick(x, 1);

static void bonk_doit(t_bonk *x)
    int i, j, n;
    t_filterkernel *k;
    t_hist *h;
    float growth = 0, *fp1, *fp2, *fp3, *fp4;
    float windowbuf[NPOINTS];
    static int poodle;
    int ninsig = x->x_ninsig;
    t_insig *gp;
    for (n = 0, gp = x->x_insig; n < ninsig; n++, gp++)
        for (i = NPOINTS, fp1 = gp->g_inbuf, fp2 = bonk_hanningwindow,
            fp3 = windowbuf; i--; fp1++, fp2++, fp3++)
                *fp3 = *fp1 * *fp2;

        for (i = 0, k = bonk_filterkernels, h = gp->g_hist;
            i < NFILTERS; i++, k++, h++)
            float power = 0, maskpow = h->h_mask;
            int countup = h->h_countup;
            int npoints = k->k_npoints;
                /* special case: the fourth filter is centered */
            float *inbuf = gp->g_inbuf +
                (i == 3 ? ((NPOINTS - npoints) / 2) : 0);

                /* run the filter repeatedly, sliding it forward by half its
                length, stopping when it runs past the end of the buffer */
            for (fp1 = inbuf, fp2 = fp1 + NPOINTS - k->k_npoints;
                fp1 <= fp2; fp1 += npoints/2)
                float rsum = 0, isum = 0;
                for (fp3 = fp1, fp4 = k->k_stuff, j = npoints; j--;)
                    float g = *fp3++;
                    rsum += g * *fp4++;
                    isum += g * *fp4++;
                power += rsum * rsum + isum * isum;

            if (!x->x_willattack) h->h_before = maskpow;

            if (power > maskpow)
                growth += power/(maskpow + 1.0e-15) - 1.f;
            if (!x->x_willattack && countup >= x->x_masktime)
                maskpow *= x->x_maskdecay;

            if (power > maskpow)
                maskpow = power;
                countup = 0;
            h->h_countup = countup;
            h->h_mask = maskpow;
            h->h_power = power;
    if (x->x_willattack > 4)
            /* if it takes more than 4 analyses for the energy to stop growing,
            forget it; we would rather miss the note than report it late. */
        if (x->x_debug) post("soft attack cancelled");
        x->x_willattack = 0;
    else if (x->x_willattack)
        if (growth < x->x_lothresh)
            clock_delay(x->x_clock, 0);
        else x->x_willattack++;
    else if (growth > x->x_hithresh)
        if (x->x_debug) post("attack; growth = %f", growth);
        x->x_willattack = 1;
        for (n = 0, gp = x->x_insig; n < ninsig; n++, gp++)
            for (i = NFILTERS, h = gp->g_hist; i--; h++)
                h->h_mask = h->h_power, h->h_countup = 0;
    x->x_debouncevel *= x->x_debouncedecay;
        /* shift the input buffer and update counters */
    if (x->x_period > NPOINTS) x->x_countdown = x->x_period - NPOINTS;
    else x->x_countdown = 0;
    if (x->x_period < NPOINTS)
        int overlap = NPOINTS - x->x_period;
        for (n = 0, gp = x->x_insig; n < ninsig; n++, gp++)
            for (i = overlap, fp1 = gp->g_inbuf, fp2 = fp1 + x->x_period; i--;)
                *fp1++ = *fp2++;
        x->x_infill = overlap;
    else x->x_infill = 0;
    poodle = 1;

static t_int *bonk_perform(t_int *w)
    t_bonk *x = (t_bonk *)(w[1]);
    int n = (int)(w[2]);
    int onset = (int)(w[3]);
    if (x->x_countdown > 0) x->x_countdown -= n;
        int i, j, infill = x->x_infill, ninsig = x->x_ninsig;
        t_insig *gp;
        for (i = 0, gp = x->x_insig; i < ninsig; i++, gp++)
            float *fp = gp->g_inbuf + infill;
            t_float *in1 = gp->g_invec + onset;
            for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
                *fp++ = *in1++;
        infill += n;
        x->x_infill = infill;   
        if (infill == NPOINTS) bonk_doit(x);
    return (w+4);

static void bonk_dsp(t_bonk *x, t_signal **sp)
    int i, n = sp[0]->s_n, vsize = x->x_period, ninsig = x->x_ninsig;
    t_insig *gp;
    if (vsize > n) vsize = n;
    for (i = 0, gp = x->x_insig; i < ninsig; i++, gp++)
        gp->g_invec = (*(sp++))->s_vec;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i += vsize)
        dsp_add(bonk_perform, 3, x, vsize, i);

static void bonk_thresh(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2)
    if (f1 > f2)
        post("bonk: warning: low threshold greater than hi threshold");
    x->x_lothresh = f1;
    x->x_hithresh = f2;

static void bonk_mask(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2)
    int ticks = f1;
    if (ticks < 0) ticks = 0;
    if (f2 < 0) f2 = 0;
    else if (f2 > 1) f2 = 1;
    x->x_masktime = ticks;
    x->x_maskdecay = f2;

static void bonk_debounce(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1)
    if (f1 < 0) f1 = 0;
    else if (f1 > 1) f1 = 1;
    x->x_debouncedecay = f1;

static void bonk_minvel(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f)
    if (f < 0) f = 0; 
    x->x_minvel = f;

static void bonk_print(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f)
    int i;
    post("thresh %f %f", x->x_lothresh, x->x_hithresh);
    post("mask %d %f", x->x_masktime, x->x_maskdecay);
    post("debounce %f", x->x_debouncedecay);
    post("minvel %f", x->x_minvel);
    if (x->x_ntemplate)
        for (i = 0; i < x->x_ntemplate; i++)
            post("%2d \
%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f", i,
    else post("no templates");
    if (x->x_learn) post("learn mode");
    if (f != 0)
        int j, ninsig = x->x_ninsig;
        t_insig *gp;
        for (j = 0, gp = x->x_insig; j < ninsig; j++, gp++)
            t_hist *h;
            if (ninsig > 1) post("input %d:", j+1);
            for (i = NFILTERS, h = gp->g_hist; i--; h++)
                post("pow %f mask %f before %f count %d",
                    h->h_power, h->h_mask, h->h_before, h->h_countup);
    if (x->x_debug) post("debug mode");

static void bonk_debug(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f)
    x->x_debug = (f != 0);

static void bonk_learn(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f)
    int n = f;
    if (n < 0) n = 0;
    if (n)
        x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
            x->x_ntemplate * sizeof(x->x_template[0]), 0);
        x->x_ntemplate = 0;
    x->x_learn = n;
    x->x_learncount = 0;

static void bonk_forget(t_bonk *x)
    int ntemplate = x->x_ntemplate, newn = ntemplate - x->x_ninsig;
    if (newn < 0) newn = 0;
    x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
        x->x_ntemplate * sizeof(x->x_template[0]),
        newn * sizeof(x->x_template[0]));
    x->x_ntemplate = newn;
    x->x_learncount = 0;

#if 0
static void bonk_bang(t_bonk *x)
    t_atom at[NFILTERS];
    int i, j, ninsig = x->x_ninsig;
    t_insig *gp;

    SETFLOAT(at2, nfit);
    SETFLOAT(at2+1, vel);
    SETFLOAT(at2+2, temperature);
    outlet_list(x->x_cookedout, 0L, 3, at2);
    for (i = 0, gp = x->x_insig + (ninsig-1); i < ninsig; i++, gp--)
        for (j = 0; j < NFILTERS; j++)
            at[j].a_type = A_FLOAT;
            at[j].a_w.w_float = 100 * qrsqrt(qrsqrt(gp->g_hist[j].h_power));
        outlet_list(gp->g_outlet, 0L, NFILTERS, at);

static void bonk_bang(t_bonk *x)
    bonk_dotick(x, 0);

static void bonk_setupkernels(void)
    int i, j;
    float *fp;
    for (i = 0; i < NFILTERS; i++)
        int npoints = bonk_filterkernels[i].k_npoints;
        float freq = bonk_filterkernels[i].k_freq;
        float normalize = bonk_filterkernels[i].k_normalize;
        float phaseinc = (2.f * 3.14159f) / npoints;
        bonk_filterkernels[i].k_stuff =
            (float *)getbytes(2 * sizeof(float) * npoints);
        for (fp = bonk_filterkernels[i].k_stuff, j = npoints; j--;)
            float phase = j * phaseinc;
            float window = normalize * (0.5f - 0.5f * cos(phase));
            *fp++ = window * cos(freq * phase);
            *fp++ = window * sin(freq * phase);
    for (i = 0; i < NPOINTS; i++)
        bonk_hanningwindow[i] = (0.5f - 0.5f * cos(i * (2*3.14159)/NPOINTS));

#ifdef PD
static void bonk_read(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s)
    FILE *fd = fopen(s->s_name, "r");
    float vec[NFILTERS];
    int i, ntemplate = 0, remaining;
    float *fp, *fp2;
    if (!fd)
        post("%s: open failed", s->s_name);
    x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template, 
        x->x_ntemplate * sizeof(t_template), 0);
    while (1)
        for (i = NFILTERS, fp = vec; i--; fp++)
            if (fscanf(fd, "%f", fp) < 1) goto nomore;
        x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
            ntemplate * sizeof(t_template),
            (ntemplate + 1) * sizeof(t_template));
        for (i = NFILTERS, fp = vec,
            fp2 = x->x_template[ntemplate].t_amp; i--;)
                *fp2++ = *fp++;
    if (remaining = (ntemplate % x->x_ninsig))
        post("bonk_read: %d templates not a multiple of %d; dropping extras");
        x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
            ntemplate * sizeof(t_template),
                (ntemplate - remaining) * sizeof(t_template));
        ntemplate = ntemplate - remaining;
    post("bonk: read %d templates\n", ntemplate);
    x->x_ntemplate = ntemplate;
#endif /* PD */

#ifdef MSP
static void bonk_read(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s)
    SFTypeList types;
    short vol = 0;
    OSType type;
    char name[256];
    char **buf;
    int eaten;
    long size = 100;
    int i, ntemplate = 0;
    float vec[NFILTERS];
    float *fp, *fp2;
    if (s->s_name[0])
        vol = defvolume();
        strcpy (name, s->s_name);

        if (readtohandle (name, vol, &buf, &size) != 0)

            post("bonk~: problem with reading file.");

            post("bonk~: template read successfully.");
        for (eaten = 0; ;)
            for (i = NFILTERS, fp = vec; i--; fp++)
                while (eaten < size && (
                    (*buf)[eaten] == ' ' ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == '\t' ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == '\n' ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == ';'  ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == '\r'))
                if (eaten >= size) goto nomore;
                if (sscanf(&(*buf)[eaten], "%f", fp) < 1) goto nomore;

                while (eaten < size && !(
                    (*buf)[eaten] == ' ' ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == '\t' ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == '\n' ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == ';'  ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == '\r'))
            x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,

            ntemplate * sizeof(t_template),
            (ntemplate + 1) * sizeof(t_template));

            for (i = NFILTERS, fp = vec, 
                fp2 = x->x_template[ntemplate].t_amp; i--;)
                    *fp2++ = *fp++;
            post("bonk~: fp = %f", fp);
        name[0] = 0;

        open_promptset("Select template for reading.");

        if (open_dialog(name, &vol, &type, types, 2))
            post("bonk~: open canceled");
        x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,

        x->x_ntemplate * sizeof(t_template), 0);

        if (readtohandle (name, vol, &buf, &size) != 0)

            post("bonk~: problem with reading file.");

            post("bonk~: template read successfully.");
        for (eaten = 0; ;)
            for (i = NFILTERS, fp = vec; i--; fp++)
                while (eaten < size && (
                    (*buf)[eaten] == ' ' ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == '\t' ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == '\n' ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == ';'  ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == '\r'))
                if (eaten >= size) goto nomore;
                if (sscanf(&(*buf)[eaten], "%f", fp) < 1) goto nomore;

                while (eaten < size && !(
                    (*buf)[eaten] == ' ' ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == '\t' ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == '\n' ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == ';'  ||
                    (*buf)[eaten] == '\r'))
            x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,

            ntemplate * sizeof(t_template),
            (ntemplate + 1) * sizeof(t_template));

            for (i = NFILTERS, fp = vec,
                fp2 = x->x_template[ntemplate].t_amp; i--;)
                    *fp2++ = *fp++;
        post("bonk~: read %d templates", ntemplate);

        x->x_ntemplate = ntemplate;
#endif /* MSP */

#ifdef PD
static void bonk_write(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s)
    FILE *fd = fopen(s->s_name, "w");
    int i, ntemplate = x->x_ntemplate;
    t_template *tp = x->x_template;
    float *fp;
    if (!fd)
        post("%s: couldn't create", s->s_name);
    for (; ntemplate--; tp++)
        for (i = NFILTERS, fp = tp->t_amp; i--; fp++)
                fprintf(fd, "%6.2f ", *fp);
        fprintf(fd, "\n");
    post("bonk: wrote %d templates\n", x->x_ntemplate);
#endif /* PD */

#ifdef MSP
static void bonk_write(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s)

    char fn[236];
    short vol;
    short bin = 0;
    void* b;
    int i, ntemplate = x->x_ntemplate;
    t_template *tp = x->x_template;
    if (s->s_name[0]) 
        strcpy (fn, s->s_name);
        vol = defvolume();
        b = binbuf_new();
        for (; ntemplate--; tp++)
            int i;
            Atom at[11];
            for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                at[i].a_type = A_FLOAT, at[i].a_w.w_float = tp->t_amp[i];
            binbuf_insert(b, 0L, 11, at);
        binbuf_write(b, fn, vol, bin);
        post("bonk~: wrote file %s", fn);

        saveas_promptset("Save Template file as");
        strcpy(fn, "");
        if (!saveas_dialog(fn, &vol, 0L))
            b = binbuf_new();
            for (; ntemplate--; tp++)
                int i;
                Atom at[11];
                for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                    at[i].a_type = A_FLOAT, at[i].a_w.w_float =
                binbuf_insert(b, 0L, 11, at);
            binbuf_write(b, fn, vol, bin);
            post("bonk~: wrote file %s", fn);
#endif /* MSP */

static void bonk_free(t_bonk *x)
    int i, ninsig = x->x_ninsig;
    t_insig *gp = x->x_insig;
    for (i = 0, gp = x->x_insig; i < ninsig; i++, gp++)
        freebytes(gp->g_inbuf, NPOINTS * sizeof(float));

/* -------------------------- Pd glue ------------------------- */
#ifdef PD

static void *bonk_new(t_floatarg fperiod, t_floatarg fnsig)
    t_bonk *x = (t_bonk *)pd_new(bonk_class);
    int nsig = fnsig, j;
    t_insig *g;
    if (nsig < 1) nsig = 1;
    if (nsig > MAXCHANNELS) nsig = MAXCHANNELS;
    x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (t_method)bonk_tick);
    x->x_insig = (t_insig *)getbytes(nsig * sizeof(*x->x_insig));
    for (j = 0, g = x->x_insig; j < nsig; j++, g++)
        g->g_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("list"));
        if (j)
            inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal);
    x->x_cookedout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("list"));
    bonk_donew(x, fperiod, nsig);
    return (x);

void bonk_tilde_setup(void)
    bonk_class = class_new(gensym("bonk~"), (t_newmethod)bonk_new,
        (t_method)bonk_free, sizeof(t_bonk), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
    class_addmethod(bonk_class, nullfn, gensym("signal"), 0);
    class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0);
    class_addbang(bonk_class, bonk_bang);
    class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_learn, gensym("learn"),
        A_FLOAT, 0);
    class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_forget, gensym("forget"), 0);
    class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_thresh, gensym("thresh"),
        A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
    class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_mask, gensym("mask"),
        A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
    class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_debounce, gensym("debounce"),
        A_FLOAT, 0);
    class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_minvel, gensym("minvel"),
        A_FLOAT, 0);
    class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_print, gensym("print"),
        A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
    class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_debug, gensym("debug"),
        A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
    class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_read, gensym("read"),
        A_SYMBOL, 0);
    class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_write, gensym("write"),
        A_SYMBOL, 0);
    post("bonk version 1.1 TEST 3");

/* -------------------------- MSP glue ------------------------- */
#ifdef MSP

static int ilog2(int n)
    int ret = -1;
    while (n)
        n >>= 1;
    return (ret);

static char *strcpy(char *s1, const char *s2)
    char *ret = s1;

    while ((*s1++ = *s2++) != 0)

    return ret;

static void *bonk_new(int period, int nsig)
    int i, j;
    t_hist *h;
    t_bonk *x = (t_bonk *)newobject(bonk_class);
    float *fp;
    t_insig *g;

    if (nsig < 1) nsig = 1;
    if (nsig > MAXCHANNELS) nsig = MAXCHANNELS;
    x->x_insig = (t_insig *)getbytes(nsig * sizeof(*x->x_insig));
    dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, nsig);
    x->x_cookedout = listout((t_object *)x);
    for (j = 0, g = x->x_insig + nsig-1; j < nsig; j++, g--)
        g->g_outlet = listout((t_object *)x);
    x->x_cookedout = listout((t_object *)x);
    x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (method)bonk_tick);

    bonk_donew(x, period, nsig);
    return (x);

void main()
        setup(&bonk_class, bonk_new, (method)bonk_free,
            (short)sizeof(t_bonk), 0L, A_DEFLONG, A_DEFLONG, 0);
        addmess((method)bonk_dsp,               "dsp",          0);
        addmess((method)bonk_forget,    "forget",       0);
        addmess((method)bonk_learn,     "learn",        A_FLOAT, 0);
        addmess((method)bonk_thresh,    "thresh",       A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
        addmess((method)bonk_mask,      "mask",         A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
        addmess((method)bonk_minvel,    "minvel",       A_FLOAT, 0);
        addmess((method)bonk_debounce,  "debounce", A_FLOAT, 0);
        addmess((method)bonk_print,     "print",        A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
        addmess((method)bonk_read,              "read",         A_DEFSYM, 0);
        addmess((method)bonk_write,     "write",        A_DEFSYM, 0);
        addmess((method)bonk_assist,    "assist",       A_CANT, 0);
        addmess((method)bonk_debug,     "debug",        A_FLOAT, 0);
        post("bonk~ v1.00");

void bonk_assist(t_bonk *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s)

    /* get current system time */
double clock_getsystime()

    return gettime();

    /* elapsed time in milliseconds since the given system time */
double clock_gettimesince(double prevsystime)
    return ((gettime() - prevsystime));

float qrsqrt(float f)
        return 1/sqrt(f);

#endif /* MSP */